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Darryl Samuels and Neil Girrard have opened up a blog site to discuss the kingdom of God and all the issues that being a part of His kingdom presents. Some of the articles from this site are also posted there. Come talk about them! Paidion Books blogsite
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Note: The text of War On the Saints by Jesse Penn-Lewis is now completely online on this website!!! Also be sure to check out the topical index for War On the Saints!
All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser. Some articles and books are now available as printed publications. Click here for the list of available titles.
- SPIRITUAL AGREEMENTS (AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES) - David L. Williams Sooner or later, Christianity must come to a deeper realization that each believer is in an invisible war.
Posted 4/24/23
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- THE NON-CONFRONTABLE CHRISTIAN: IS IT YOU? - David L. Williams It is easy to forget we also owe repentance, an apologetic acknowledgment of a wrong we are responsible for, to people we offend.
Posted 4/24/23
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- If I Were the Devil - Neil Girrard If you were the devil, what would you do to defeat God’s judgment and purpose against you and show that you are like the Most High? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/12/22
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Spirit of Religion or the Spirit of Truth? The Devil’s Counter-Offensive How can you address a complex issue with simplicity? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/25/22
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Kingdoms in Conflict: A Review - Neil Girrard Kingdoms in Conflict is probably best viewed as a conversation starter – but just how does one grapple with so vast and deep a subject and not fail somewhere? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/18/22
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- Q and the Next[?] Red Pill; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard A spiritual Christian perspective of a particular aspect of the Christian influence found in the Q posts. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/27/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Evil; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard What is evil? When is evil a national threat? When is evil a global threat? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/27/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Civilization or Civil-ization - Neil Girrard We are literally standing on the brink of the death of a way of life. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/10/19
Category: Articles π Subject: Politics
- Lady Liberty; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard It is in the picture of Liberty as a lady who embraces all those who seek her wisdom and shelter that we can perhaps find Liberty’s place in prophesy. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/22/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Division; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard Any study of America must quickly come face to face with the question of America’s duality. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/22/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- An Historical Indictment; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard A quote from Alexis de Tocqueville points to the truth about the United States as a “Christian” nation. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/20/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- City of Refuge; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard America is much, much more than just a place. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/20/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- The Matrix and Captain Marvel; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard These two movies incredibly provide modern parables of ancient truths. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/17/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Zeitgeists: A Clash of Titans; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard One concept almost completely ignored by the “church’s” prophecy industry prognosticators is the existence and work of an age’s zeitgeist. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Introduction; America: The Big Picture - Neil Girrard What do zeitgeists, America, The Matrix, Captain Marvel, the Statue of Liberty and the Great Tribulation have in common? More than you think. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/19
Category: Series π Subject: Politics
- Ben Shapiro and Phil Robertson Interview - Neil Girrard Ben Shapiro asks a wonderful, much-needed question and Phil Robertson gives an answer that surprisingly comes up a bit short. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/6/19
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Theft of America’s Soul: A Review - Neil Girrard Phil Robertson’s uncompromising stand is a refreshing contrast to today’s political correctness and liberal, left-wing diatribes. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/20/19
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- Seek First the Kingdom of God (But Where Is It?) - David L. Williams A powerful presentation of fresh manna for these last days. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/9/18
Category: Booklet/Article π Subject: Subject: Deception
- The Solution to Socialism - Neil Girrard The Nazi/Soviet styled socialists are long immune to the truths spoken by the American founding fathers. They view them as they view the Bible, long antiquated and outdated parchments that have no impact or bearing on modern life. The death of our nation cannot be far behind! - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/9/18
Category: Articles π Subject: Politics
- Making America Great Again: A Review - Neil Girrard David Moore’s Making America Great Again is best described as a major disappointment. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/9/18
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- Credulous: A Review - Neil Girrard Andrea Lingle’s book provides a real grappling with real-life problems all throughout the book and deposits very few detractions from a frank, refreshingly objective examination of the author’s spiritual journey through the minefield of “church.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/9/18
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- Christ and His Kingdom - Abraham Varghese A brother’s exploration of what the Scriptures say about Christ and His kingdom. Posted 9/5/18
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- Shop Vacs: A Picture of Codependency - Neil Girrard A picture can still sometimes be worth a thousand words. A parable of these issues points toward liberty in Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/12/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Narcissism: A Spiritual Perspective - Neil Girrard Sam Vaknin’s picture of the false self of narcissism presents good insights as well as exposes the schemes of the demonic to separate the narcissist away from Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/12/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Can a Narcissist Be Saved? - Neil Girrard What will it take for a narcissist to be genuinely and spiritually born again? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/12/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Pyramid or Team Yoking - Neil Girrard One of the most damaging paradigms in the spiritual realms is that of authority and the picture most often used is worldly and spiritually incompatible to the kingdom of God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/4/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Two Prophecies - Neil Girrard What exactly is the true “ship” that was coming into view on the horizon in the mid-80s? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/13/17
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- LAST DAYS DECEPTION - David L. Williams Jesus warned us of Last Days deception – do we know what the deception may look like? Posted 6/6/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Subject: Deception
- An Admittedly Flawed System - Neil Girrard Some people are able to admit that the “church” system is flawed – but what does that really mean? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/15/17
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth - Neil Girrard Many teachers reduce Paul’s instruction to Timothy to merely “understanding” the word of truth – but what if the Holy Spirit really meant “divide” the word of truth? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/23/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- The Course of Revelation - Neil Girrard Those who completely reject revelation are in as great an error as are those who falsely claim to possess special revelation. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/9/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- LAYERS OF BIBLE REVELATION, SHEPHERDS BEWARE; or, WHY ARE THE churches FAILING? (Mt. 23:34) - David L. Williams The Bible has many layers of depth – if one wants to know them. Posted 1/9/17
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Level of Victory - Neil Girrard We are exhorted to attain to the level of victory, to come higher in one’s walk with God and to overcome – what exactly does that mean? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/29/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Passion, Purity, Pleasure, Power - Neil Girrard Rock music offers us a clear glimpse into what is wrong with and lacking in today’s believers. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/17/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Greatest Dangers to The Final Reformation - Neil Girrard If we believe “the last reformation” is truly a genuine move of God, what are the greatest dangers facing such a movement? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/16/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Many Rs of the Final Reformation - Neil Girrard In order to grasp the entirety of God’s movement of the last days requires more than the simple label “the final reformation.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/5/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Last Call - Neil Girrard Is it accurate to call the latest move of God in northern Europe “the last reformation”? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/14/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- How Much Disobedience? - Neil Girrard How much disobedience can we practice and still be saved? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/9/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Final Reformation, Ekklesia and the “Church” - Neil Girrard God’s final reformation must involve the enmity of the “church” against the ekklesia – but what are those? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/5/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Multi-Denominationalism - Neil Girrard Some people are promoting the idea of “multi-denominationalism.” What’s that about? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/31/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- All In for Jesus - Neil Girrard Jesus said, “Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Was He kidding or did He mean it? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/25/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- “Church” Trauma - Neil Girrard “Church trauma” - wounds immaculately perpetrated on the victims by no one - are only evidence that something is very, very wrong with the way “church” is routinely conducted. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/24/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Fractured Building Blocks: Or, Where the Apostles and Prophets Movement Failed - Neil Girrard Remember the old computer adage, “garbage in, garbage out”? It applies to our work for Christ too. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/18/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- We Are the Church - Neil Girrard Many people who attend “church” at some building or institution claim to recognize this as a truth yet they do not recognize how many deceptions are built into this seemingly simple idea. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/9/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Knowledge, Obedience and Overcoming Deception - Neil Girrard Some see the vast difference between the book of Acts and modern churchianity and offer the simple remedy of going out to preach and lay hands on the sick as is found in the book of Acts. Will that be enough? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/7/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Coming Out and Moving On - Neil Girrard Failing to come completely out of the “rabbit hole” can be as lethal as simply and blindly remaining asleep in the depths of the “church” pit. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/5/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Final Reformation - Neil Girrard - It is believed by some that we are standing at the front of the “last reformation.” What’s that all about? ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/27/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- A Recent Conversation - Neil Girrard A blog conversation provides a wealth of insight and answers into the issues of those who no longer desire to be in “church” but who still seek the truth of Christ. Posted 4/19/16
Category: Links π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Quest for Knowledge - Neil Girrard The quest for knowledge is a good thing - if we avoid all the pitfalls and actually find truth! - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/15/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Whose Side Are We On? - Neil Girrard Everyone who is of the truth hears Jesus’ voice. Did He mean it? Did He lie? Was He mistaken? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/9/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Destroying the Lies - Neil Girrard When God showed John that Jesus intended to destroy the works of the devil, He meant it. We do well to believe it. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/4/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Numbers Don’t Matter - Neil Girrard If numbers don’t matter in evaluating a particular “ministry,” why are its leaders so vocal about how many people they’re reaching? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/30/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The All Ins - Neil Girrard “All in” is being written into and popularized in a number of songs today and it brings forward at least two powerful questions. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/24/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- A Call to Arms - Neil Girrard So how does a true believer participate in the ages-old war between God and Satan? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/22/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- A Counterfeit Levitical Priesthood – Sons of Levi - Darryl Samuels Today’s clergy (pastors, set man, apostolic source, spiritual fathers, etc.) have set themselves up as the Sons of Levi – unfortunately for us and them, the Old Covenant has been rendered obsolete and what they are really practicing is deception designed to separate the follower from his cash. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/19/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Juxtaposition - Neil Girrard Why are so many leaving “organized expressions of Christian religion”? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/11/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Lopsided Theology - Neil Girrard If there is any word that might come closest to describing everyone’s ideas about Christ and God in this time and season, it would be the word “lopsided.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/8/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Wiles of the Devil - Neil Girrard Any soldier intending to survive the day’s battle needs to know what weapons his enemy is using and how to counter those weapons. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/16/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Done With “Church” - Neil Girrard Another significant segment of people are again abandoning the “church” – and this group has been labeled as “dones” and “called outs.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/10/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Babylonian Captivity - Neil Girrard The “pastor” in the pulpit on a platform paradigm is the heart and soul of the deceptions that keep the “church” in its Babylonian captivity. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/6/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The “Church” Paradigm
- Critical Blockage - Neil Girrard Paul told us what the manifold grace (mercy and power) of God would do – why don’t we see it in our corporate assemblies? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/4/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- There’s Nothing Wrong With Me - Neil Girrard The failure to face up to our own realities is often the source of our deepest deceptions. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/3/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- All In - Neil Girrard Many so-called “Christians” rely on their “fire insurance” religiosity – is this wise? Safe? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/26/16
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Spectator Sport - Neil Girrard In the face of the many multiplied thousands of “churches” proliferating around the world, the world grows swiftly darker and more evil. Are God’s methods actually ineffective and impotent? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/23/16
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- A Part of Christ - Neil Girrard - The people who are “the Church,” are part of Christ, right? ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/12/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Duplicity of Popularity - Neil Girrard - The success of a “pastor” or “church” is measured almost entirely in its popularity but is this a good standard by which to judge a man or “ministry”? ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/7/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Why Do We Meet - Neil Girrard - The modern “church” is so confused that few, if any, seem to remember or even know what the mission of the genuine ekklesia is. ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/7/16
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Do Not Yield - Neil Girrard Many “Christian” leaders demand blind obedience from their followers but what does the New Testament really say about obeying men? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 12/26/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- No Lie Is of the Truth - Neil Girrard Every lie we discover embedded in our thinking can and even must be discarded. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 12/14/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The King’s Return - Neil Girrard - When the King returns, what will He expect us to have done for Him? ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 12/7/15
Category: Articles π Subject: American Lifestyle
- Taking the Place of Jesus - Neil Girrard Why anyone would want to take the place of Jesus is simultaneously difficult and simple to understand. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/29/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Power of “Church” Deception - Neil Girrard Those ensnared in obvious sin are more likely to attain to liberty than those ensnared by “church” deceptions because so few recognize how unScriptural the “church” has become. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/25/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Great Treasure - Neil Girrard - With great treasure comes great responsibility. ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/25/15
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Test of Loyalty - Neil Girrard How God uses the “church” to test the loyalty of those who claim to be His. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/8/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- One Jacked “Jesus” - Neil Girrard Lawless rebels have created a “Jesus” who condones, encourages and enables their neurotic, carnal, sinful and wicked lifestyles, those ways of living that make both individuals and people groups ripe for strong judgment. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/16/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Candles, Flashlights, Lasers and the Sun - Neil Girrard God intends to have a variety, even an arsenal of people-types at His disposal and for His usage. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/16/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- If I Could Tickle Ears Ear-scratching teachers and preachers do more than defraud their listeners – they defraud themselves! Play MP3 Audio π Lyrics with Chords Watch Lyrics Video Posted 9/11/15
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Who Do You Say That I AM? - Neil Girrard - Asking the right question – and even giving the “right answer” – does not mean we have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/11/15
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Knowledge and Truth - Neil Girrard Knowledge can be a useful tool or a destructive weapon. How do we know what we have? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/14/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- What the Apostolic Ministry IS NOT! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard. The truth about apostles and their work challenges what many believe – and practice! - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/30/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Tags Come Second - Neil Girrard Some people want to believe that “denominational tags” are permissible and harmless and even irrelevant. Really? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/11/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- God’s Order - Neil GirrardAnyone who speaks against the “church” is only promoting disorder and may be summarily dismissed as speaking only from the devil and the demonic – right? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/23/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Passing Darkness - Neil Girrard The reason mainline denominations are dying out is blatantly obvious for those who have eyes to see. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/17/15
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Out of “Church” - Neil Girrard Coming out of “church” is a lot more than just leaving the building and no longer sitting at the feet of the “man of God” behind his pulpit. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/30/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Pillar of Truth - Neil Girrard We, the people of Christ, are to stand for and uphold God’s absolute standards of truth. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- A Mystery Revealed - Neil Girrard New Testament “mysteries” present special dangers to those who would follow Christ. What are these dangers? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Separate - Neil Girrard One can believe in all the “essential doctrines” of Christianity but if one speaks out against the ills and evils of “church” and organized, institutional “Christian” religion, then that one simply cannot possibly be a brother in Christ. What? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Truth and Presumption - Neil Girrard Recognizing the awesome and transcendent power of God is as essential as is discerning the dangerously lethal deceptions which the enemy has arrayed against us, especially those schemes concealed within music and popular songs. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/28/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Right and Only Way - Neil Girrard Is there such a thing as the right and only way – what is it? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/8/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- In But Not Of - Neil Girrard Being in this world but not of it is a standard that truly separates “the men from the boys.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/17/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Error and Deception - Neil Girrard The phrase “the error of Balaam” opens up what God has to say to those who live in the days of deception prior to His return. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/7/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- Vessels of Honor and Glory - Neil Girrard For various reasons, men reject even the notion that man is, at his “bottom line,” only a clay pot. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/4/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Inoculated - Neil Girrard Many Americans are unreached by the gospel because they have been inoculated against it, most often at some “church.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/13/15
Category: Articles π Subject: American Lifestyle
- The Promise of Eternal Life - Neil Girrard Juan Ponce de Leon’s pursuit of the fountain of youth in the 1500s is very comparable to modern “Christianity’s” ideas on how to gain eternal life. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/10/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Our Heavenly Calling in Christ - Neil Girrard Our heavenly calling in Christ requires a balance of deeper and more accurate knowledge of exactly what God has done for and given to us accompanied by our diligent obedience and spiritually mature attentiveness to the responsibilities He has placed upon us. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/28/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Come Out From Among Them - Neil Girrard Why, at the end of His explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, did Jesus say, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/26/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Enemies of the King - Neil Girrard Far too often we do not take seriously just who and what is considered the enemy of God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/15/15
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- It Doesn’t Take a Genius - Neil Girrard If it doesn’t take a genius to make the world a better place, what will it take? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/6/15
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Coin of the Realm - Neil Girrard Many think they know what God’s “economy” is all about – but it’s not really what most people presume. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/3/15
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- From the Word Apolgetics is a good thing, right? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 12/18/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Ephesians: Paul’s Time Capsule - Neil Girrard Some Bible scholars insist that Ephesians is merely a general letter for all believers - others question the authenticity of Paul’s authorship because Paul’s usual inclusion of eschatology (the study of prophesied end-times events) is absent. What is the real story and why is it so vitally important for us to understand Paul’s intent today? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 12/11/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- Too Deeply - Neil Girrard Many Christian leaders today act as if exhortation is offensive and that the philosophy of offending anyone does not come from the Bible. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/21/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- In the Way - Neil Girrard The parable of the wheat and the tares holds a unique place in the New Testament. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/5/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- False Gods - Neil Girrard The Greek world of Paul’s day faced the same sort of idolatry that is endangering so many in Africa’s ebola outbreak. - ( in Adobe/pdf format - Printable Tract (in Adobe/pdf format) ) Posted 11/1/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Bible Basics
- Fables - Neil Girrard Paul warned us that the time would come when believers would be turned aside to fables. What did he have in mind? ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/29/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Whose Kingdom Is It Anyway? - Neil Girrard Perhaps the most accurate, over-arching view of the intricate workings of the kingdom of God ever given to men was that given to Ezekiel. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/28/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/23/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Time of Lawlessness - Neil Girrard The one who does things he knows to be sinful or wrong is not the one the New Testament calls lawless. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/16/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Old Covenant Vs. New Covenant (Set Man Vs. Jesus Christ) The “set man” of the Old Covenant is no longer applicable to today’s New Testament sincere believers in Christ. - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/11/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception: Spiritual Fathers
- Leadership’s Prime Directive Bible Bullet: John 3:30 - Neil Girrard True leaders in the body of Christ must know that He – and not themselves – are the destination to which all must travel. Posted 10/1/14
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Spiritual But Not Religious - Neil Girrard SBNR is a popular label among “emergent” generations. What does this label really mean? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/27/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Triumphant Overcoming - Neil Girrard If there is one word that has fallen from common usage in “Christian” circles, it would be the need to overcome. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/24/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Furthering the Kingdom - Neil Girrard Practical steps toward seeing the kingdom of God established among us. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/24/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Three Lies - Neil Girrard Three lies currently in vogue in various “Christian” circles, at first, seem to be unrelated to one another but in reality share very similar roots. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/23/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Follow or Duplicate? - Neil Girrard Jesus and Paul both said “Follow me…” Didn’t they? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/20/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Word Studies
- The Angels’ Footpath: A Review - Neil Girrard Let the reader beware! This other-wise very well written piece of futuristic fiction, as gripping as its drama may be and as realistic as its scenarios may well prove to be, is a departure from “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/11/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- The Inerrant Word of God - Neil Girrard Paul’s prophecy that many will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables fulfilled in mainstream “Christianity” on such a widespread scale that it is all but impossible to conclude that this is the time of the apostasy. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/3/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Follow Me - Neil Girrard Jesus makes it abundantly clear what it takes to gain eternal life. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/30/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Provision, Power and Presumption - Neil Girrard The temptations of Christ are more intricately intertwined in the life of the genuine believer than we are normally taught at “church.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/28/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Do Nothing Gospel - Neil Girrard Some are teaching that any work whatsoever is “self-effort” so as to be saved or a return to law as a way to earn one’s salvation. But is this so? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/19/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception
- Still Close at Hand - Neil Girrard The call to repent because the kingdom of God is close at hand is still sounding because man is still wicked and sinful. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/6/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Inside Out - Neil Girrard By failing to preserve the unity of the Spirit we turn the gospel of Christ inside out. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/30/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- A Most Comforting Doctrine - Neil Girrard There are other factors to be considered beyond “once saved, always saved” and “eternal security” – what are they? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/22/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception: Hyper-Grace
- Friends of the King - Neil Girrard When a king of a realm gives a command and it is disobeyed, the crime against the king is called treason and betrayal – and the penalty is almost certain to be death. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/22/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Spiritual Blindness - Neil Girrard Whether we look at Nicodemus or Eve or Cain or Saul or Elymas or ourselves, the sin nature is common to every man, woman and child. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/9/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Unity of the Spirit - Neil Girrard Only when He is our King, indeed our all – first individually and then corporately – can we ever hope to experience what Paul called “the unanimity of the Spirit of God.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/8/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Better Off - Neil Girrard Socialism and capitalism both claim to seek to make people “better off” – but what does this imply for the disciple of Christ? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/20/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Politics
- The New Covenant: A Review - Neil Girrard Bob Emery’s book attempts a dramatic retelling of the New Testament but accomplishes far less – and more! – than the author probably intended. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/16/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Reviews
- Hijacked! - Neil Girrard We do not normally associate the term “hijacked” with the New Testament yet this is precisely what has happened and is happening. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/17/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Religion - Neil Girrard Religion – as a word, as a concept and as a practice – cannot be rightly categorized apart from the adjectives and descriptive we attach to it. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/11/14
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Orphan Spirit; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard Those who refuse to submit themselves under a “spiritual father” are now accused of and condemned for having an “orphan spirit.” What’s the basis of that? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/22/14
Category: Twisted Scriptures π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Significant Differences - Neil Girrard For those who have spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, the differences between the kingdom of God and the “church” are as important as whether one worships God or worships an idol and the false demonic “god” behind it. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 3/5/14
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Kingdom Is the Key - Neil Girrard An accurate understanding of the kingdom of God is the key to understanding the collection of writings we commonly call the New Testament. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/13/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Pressing Into the Kingdom - Neil Girrard The kingdom of God differs from the law and the prophets – why is that important? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 2/13/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Kingdom Now? - Neil Girrard Is the kingdom of God something we need to be concerned about today? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 1/8/14
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Beyond Expectation Jesus’ entire ministry could be described as little more than a series of incidents designed to confront the hidden false expectations everyone had of Him. - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Counting Heads - Neil Girrard One of the most obvious features of any particular “church” can be used to easily and immediately assess its character and quality and this requires no spiritual discernment whatsoever – so why isn’t this method used more often? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Father’s Business - Neil Girrard As sons of we need to be about our Father’s business – but what is that? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Kingdom of God Is at Hand - Neil Girrard With the proclamation that the kingdom of God was at hand, Jesus ushered in a new phase in the work of redemption that God had purposed before the creation of the world. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 11/21/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Thinking Naughty Thoughts: A Review - Neil Girrard For penetrating, conversation-stimulating insights and questions, this book stands in a short list of books that attempt to rightly divide the issues of modern churchianity. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/1/13
Category: Reviews π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Christ In - Set Man Out! Is the “set man” principle still applicable to New Covenant believers today? This article may challenge some of our sincerest beliefs. - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 10/1/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception: Spiritual Fathers
- Saints or Sinners - Neil Girrard What is an individual after a genuine conversion? Why does it matter? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/28/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- What Do You Seek? - Neil Girrard Most people who are confronted with this question at least know that they want, even need, an answer in life. But where do we look? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/28/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Through the Looking Glass - Neil Girrard If one looks into either end of binoculars or a telescope, a “looking glass,” one can see many things about the kingdom and the “church.” A surprisingly deep parable. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- A Picture of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, He showed His glory to His disciples – and left us a detailed “snapshot” of what His kingdom would be like after His death and before His return. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/24/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Right Answer - Neil Girrard How we answer the question “Who do you say that I am?” effects everything about how we will go about practicing the way of following Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/21/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Mighty Antithesis: Sin and Grace - Neil Girrard A.W. Tozer encountered hyper-grace in the 1950s and demonstrated that any discussion of sin and grace is going to cover ground at least touched upon by the conflict between Pelagius and Augustine in the 5th century. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/21/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deception: Hyper-Grace
- The Standard of Perfection - Neil Girrard Jesus said that we should be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect – so why aren’t we perfect? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/7/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- No Greater Conceit - Neil Girrard There is perhaps no greater or more dangerous, conceit than the notion that Christ died for me unless it is the conceit that says “my way” is acceptable to God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 9/7/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Keys of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard With knowledge of the keys to the kingdom of God, one must certainly possess eternal life – right? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/31/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
Posted 8/22/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- I Will Be Your Father - Darryl Samuels God is by nature a Father and He wants a family but there are many deceptions that are designed to get us to forsake Him as our only true Father. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/20/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Opening Spiritual Ears - Neil Girrard The ear that hears what God is saying is one of the most important things that accompany salvation. So why is this truth so often explained away or ridiculed? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/12/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Bible Basics
- Buy From Me - Neil Girrard Jesus commanded the Laodiceans to buy something from Him. What was it and why is it important? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/6/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- No Good Thing - Neil Girrard It is a great day in the Lord when we finally learn there is no good thing in our flesh – but what will it take for us to learn that there is no good thing in the “church”? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 8/2/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Two Step Gospel - Neil Girrard Jesus’ picture of the wide and narrow gates and paths provides us with insight into what is perhaps the devil’s most pernicious deception, a deception which comes directly from the doctrines of eternal salvation. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7//13
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- One Small Hiccup: Chip Brogden’s The Church in the Wilderness - Neil Girrard A nearly flawless work of spiritual insights and wisdom is unfortunately marred by one expression of the author’s opinions – but don’t let that stop you from buying or reading the book for yourself! - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/24/13
Category: Reviews π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Following the Lamb - Neil Girrard Following Christ is more than just obeying the commands of Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/13/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Subliminal Message - Neil Girrard The subliminal message is the one that always sticks the longest even (and especially!) when that hidden message is not perceived or understood consciously – so what do we really hear when a man speaks from behind a pulpit? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/11/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- God’s Part and Man’s; Paths to Power - A.W. Tozer - Written in the 1950s, this article answers an error that has grown enormously popular in our day and shows us, if we can see, just how long the devil and the demonic have been sowing the seeds of the now popular hyper-grace error. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 7/1/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Blind Spots: What Have We Missed? - Neil Girrard David Platt’s book, Radical is intended to challenge his readers to embrace a biblically radical Christianity but falls far short of its intentions because of the author’s blind spots. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/27/13
Category: Reviews π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Surrender - Neil Girrard Some object to the use of the word “surrender” in our relationship with God. Why would they do that? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/7/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Lie Called Revival – Neil Girrard “Revivals” are popular at many “churches” and everyone seems to think everyone needs “revived” – but what is the truth? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 6/6/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- What Did You Go Out To See? - Neil Girrard Those who have exited the “church” and entered into some form of the “wilderness” experience need to reconsider this question. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/30/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Many Deceptions and The Lie - Neil Girrard How do we reconcile the difference between the many New Testament prophecies that speak of a plurality, even a multiplicity, of deceptions with Paul’s reference to a single lie that carries severe, eternal consequences for those who come under its power? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/1/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Eternal Gospel - Neil Girrard Sometimes when we read the book of Revelation we can easily miss some detail or fail to grasp the profound significance of some sparsely described event – even about something as important as the eternal gospel of Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 5/1/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The True Tabernacle - Neil Girrard Scripture says there is a true tabernacle of Christ. What are the differences between the true one and the false ones? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/12/13
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Faith Alone? - Neil Girrard The entire “faith alone” concept is overly simplistic, unbalanced, skewed and distorted. What is the truth? - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/9/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Word of Truth - Neil Girrard Jesus’ answer to the devil’s temptation to satisfy His hunger by turning rocks into bread after having fasted for forty days holds many things we would do well to consider. - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Posted 4/2/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- As Much As We Want To Bible Bullet: Revelation 22:11-12 - Neil Girrard Our liberties – and responsibilities – in Christ are great indeed! Posted 3/30/13
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Whose Slave Are You? - Neil Girrard It is an inescapable fact that we are the slave of whomever we choose to obey – and our only two choices are sin or God. Posted 3/26/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Going It Alone - Neil Girrard At “church” we were direly warned of going off alone in our Christianity – but are these warnings true? Posted 3/14/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Law of God - Neil Girrard We may not be able to exhaust every possible answer to the question of why God instituted the system of blood sacrifices and offerings we find in the Old Testament, but the mains ones we do find in the Bible provide strong encouragement, great comfort and dire warning! Posted 2/28/13
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Common Usage - Neil Girrard Sometimes it benefits us to read a familiar passage in the Greek because we, without ever realizing it, have often experienced a subtle shift in meaning simply because the New Testament we read is in English. Posted 2/4/13
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Enoch Factor - A Review - Neil Girrard Steve McSwain’s book recognizes the many ills of modern churchianity but embraces a New-Age type of spirituality that will prove far more lethal to those who follow it. Posted 1/7/13
Category: Reviews π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Spiritual Fathers – 1 Corinthians 4:15; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard From a very scant Scriptural base, a whole system of teaching has evolved that concocts a “one size fits all” false doctrine that results in tyranny, oppression, persecution, exclusion, favoritism and a host of other evils. Posted 12/3/12
Category: Twisted Scriptures π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Voices - Neil Girrard There are literally thousands of Christian writers pumping out new books, each year, with their own individual visions of the future, of the present and even of the past. What does this tell us? Posted 11/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Untrustworthy Bible - Neil Girrard Why would anyone ever want to read a book that can be used to “prove” anything and everything (and ultimately, therefore, nothing) that anyone would want to “prove” from it? Posted 10/31/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Those Who Despise and Reject Authority - Neil Girrard Though many people leaving the “church” are accused of rebelling against authority – and Peter’s and Jude’s prophecies are used - this is only a misrepresentation of the real meanings in these prophecies. Posted 10/20/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- What’s In a Title? - Neil Girrard What’s in a title? More than most bargain for. Posted 10/12/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- I Have Not Sent Them – Neil Girrard By what means can we test the men and women who come along claiming to be “apostles” sent by the Lord to proclaim the way of the Lord? Posted 10/2/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Only One Question - Neil Girrard In any corporate gatherings of people who follow Christ there is only one question we need to answer. What is it? Posted 9/28/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Perfect Church - Neil Girrard All those who subscribe to the “church” paradigm believe they have their hands on the whole counsel of God - yet, it is precisely this blind grip on partial truths that gives the “church” paradigm its lethal power over those who believe in it. Posted 9/21/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- First Fruits, Tithes and Offerings - Darryl Samuels A brother confronted with erroneous and false teachings about tithes and offerings, especially the “first fruits” shares the results of his decision to research the Bible for himself. Posted 9/15/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Guided Into All Truth - Neil Girrard Some teachers like to point out that isolated phrases and sentences from the Scriptures put together at a teacher’s whim can be made to prove almost anything but few seem to recognize the double standard this really is. Posted 9/6/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Presenting the King - Neil Girrard Do you know what it means to have a King? Many people don’t. Posted 8/23/12
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Carnal Followers and Lawless “Theologians” - Neil Girrard If we are to come out of lawless churchianity, we must first recognize the hidden sin of the leaders and spiritual fathers who contributed to the making of it. Posted 8/16/12
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Ark of the Covenant; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock God’s order is different: He begins from Himself and draws near to man. Posted 8/16/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Eternal Security? - Neil Girrard Some people completely dismiss outright the idea of “losing one’s salvation” by claiming that we must not, and even cannot, add to the finished work of Christ on the cross – but is this the truth? Posted 8/16/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Furnishings of the Tent: Exodus 25; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock Everything in the Tent speaks of Christ, and of His people who are in union with Him. Posted 8/16/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The General Plan of the Tabernacle; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock The answer is clear from the Word of God: God’s declarations in His new covenant are ours and we must press toward the mark to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of us. Posted 7/25/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Pattern of the Tent; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock Few believers seem to realize that the pattern changes as one temple replaces another - the temple that has gone into ruin and later restored is vastly different than the original structure. Posted 7/19/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- My Son, My Son; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard The “spiritual fathering” teachers, from Paul and Peter calling Timothy, Titus, Onesimus and Mark their “sons,” have concocted a teaching that says that all men must have a “spiritual father” and any one who does not have one is an orphan who is destitute of any real place in the order and family of God. Is this the truth? Posted 7/7/12
Category: Twisted Scriptures π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- Is God Really Late?; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock God is always late by man’s standards; but He is right on time according to His own plan and purpose. Posted 7/2/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Man Who Built the Tabernacle; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock We, like Moses, must come to know God’s ways if we are to become involved with Him in the true Tabernacle “not made with hands.” Posted 6/28/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- My Soul, You Wait Upon God!; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock The frustrations that we experience as we seek Him and wait for Him are a necessary part of His discipline in our lives as He seeks to quiet our spirit and bring forth the fruit of patience. Posted 6/26/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Sanctuary Is For God; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock How it would help us in all our Christian service and ministry, if we could recognize this one important principle: the sanctuary is for God’s abiding place in the midst of men. Posted 6/25/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Control - Neil Girrard John Taylor Gatto describes the educational system as “deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens – all in order to render the populace ‘manageable.’” What does this mean for the follower in Christ? Posted 5/16/12
Category: Articles π Subject: American Lifestyle
- Introduction; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock Truth runs deep in its flow, and is complex in its structure; but it is by no means complicated. Posted 4/24/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Preface; From Tent To Temple - George Warnock The purpose of this study is intended to show how God would progressively move “from one tent to another.” Posted 4/24/12
Category: Books π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Ears to Hear - Neil Girrard This world offers us everything to keep us from finding and following Christ – and then delivers us into hell. Be warned! Posted 4/24/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Your God Is Too Small: A Review - Neil Girrard J.B. Phillips’ book, Your God Is Too Small, is an excellent, well thought-out description of the various false gods and pseudo-“Gods” worshiped (or at least nominally followed) at most “churches” and a rational perspective of Christ and God that will well serve any genuine follower of Christ in these days of apostasy and rampant deception. Posted 4/12/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- You Are the Man! Bible Bullet: 2 Samuel 12:7 - Neil Girrard The prophet Nathan’s rebuke of King David points to a very human characteristic – the recognition of how ugly my sin is when it is done by someone else. Posted 4/12/12
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Absolutely - Neil Girrard The standards of this world change nothing about the truths of God and Christ Jesus. Posted 4/12/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Profound, the Mysterious, the Meaningless and the Mundane - Neil Girrard “So heavenly minded he’s of no earthly good” is an age-old adage in Christian circles but does it really convey the whole truth of the matter? Posted 4/12/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Outside the Box - Neil Girrard In one short quote, J.B. Phillips put his finger squarely on the problems of modern churchianity. Posted 4/12/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Other Sheep - Neil Girrard Jesus said that He must bring in “the other sheep” and make “one flock” under “one shepherd.” Who are these “other sheep”? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Here Am I, O Lord - Send Me - Neil Girrard God still desires a willing heart – are we available? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Supremities - Neil Girrard God still waits for man to realize his deepest need, the need for God. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Kingdom or Church? - Neil Girrard Did Christ come to found and institute the church or did He come to bring forth the kingdom of God among men? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- God-Given Assets - Neil Girrard Seekers of financial freedom very often use other people for their own gain and then speak openly of their “God-given assets.” Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: American Lifestyle
- A False Dichotomy - Neil Girrard Our notions of “ministry” suffer from layers of added meanings that change our understanding of what the New Testament really says. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Ekklesia or the Kingdom of God - Neil Girrard The kingdom of God is simply not the exact same thing as the ekklesia and the confusion that results by assuming that they are has caused many difficulties for the people of Christ. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
- America - Neil Girrard Few seem to realize why America is degenerating so badly and so quickly – but the answer is really quite simple. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Politics
- A Defeated Devil - Neil Girrard Many who claim to follow Christ hold to the idea of a defeated devil, ridiculing his schemes and devices as just the foolish floppings of a “toothless old tiger” too stupid and inept to be of any harm or threat to their eternal security in Christ. But is this an accurate portrayal? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- A Better Place - Neil Girrard There are some who believe Christianity is merely some utopian social scheme to make this world a better place. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Politics
- Basic Questions - Neil Girrard Two very basic questions that cast considerable doubt on much, if not nearly all, of modern religious Christianity. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Aura of Infallibility Bible Bullet: Galatians 2:20 - Neil Girrard The most subtle snare is laid for the man who would teach others the things of God. What is it? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- My Own Man - Neil Girrard Our society and our culture teaches us, and the “church” has swallowed it too, that we can still be our own man and live for Jesus too. But is that true? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Hope For Tomorrow - Neil Girrard Jesus is the only true hope for today and tomorrow. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Light of Life - Neil Girrard Jesus is not only saying that His followers must forsake darkness in all its forms, He is also clarifying something about the nature of His life and light. Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Experience Required - Neil Girrard Can we really know God apart from our experience? Posted 4/10/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Unanimity - Neil Girrard God has been waiting for and working His people toward finally being content to sit back and stop trying to build anything for God. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Have You Forgotten? - Neil Girrard Have we forgotten what the gospel of Jesus Christ is about? Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Hand in Hand - Neil Girrard Holiness and love are inseparably linked. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Come Out - Neil Girrard God stills calls us to come out from among those who falsely call upon His name. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- A Prayer for Owen Meany: A Review - Neil Girrard This book may represent the most sophisticated and systematic exposure yet of the modern “church” put into a fictional novel or it may only be another indicator of just how deceptive the “church” can be. Either way, it opens up questions of depth one is not likely to encounter at “church”! Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Non-Religious Bible Bullet: James 1:27 - Neil Girrard In the final analysis there are two kinds of people: religious and non-religious - however, this distinction is not as all-encompassing as it might first appear. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- No Place for the Poor - Neil Girrard Wealth and poverty and work are not the simple matters many people believe them to be. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: American Lifestyle
- The Meaning of Life - Neil Girrard The question of the meaning of one’s life has many far-reaching implications. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Hey Laodicea - Neil Girrard What Jesus said to the ekklesia of Laodicea is much more relevant today than most imagine. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Grace and Truth; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard The devil holds no tenet of the faith as sacred and he will distort any and every doctrine of the gospel if it will gain him any advantage over even one single believer – even the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Twisted Scriptures π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- They Say - Neil Girrard What people say is not nearly as important as what God says. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Come To Me - Neil Girrard God doesn't ask strangers to obey Him, He expects His own people to do that. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Songs and Poems π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Grace and Pride – Neil Girrard There may have been no greater disservice to the truth about grace than to render “grace” (Greek, charis) as only “God’s unmerited favor.” Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Demonization and Deception
- The Deceitfulness of Wealth Bible Bullet: Matthew 13:22 - Neil Girrard God has always demanded that those who would be His must bear fruit, that is, bring forth things of benefit and supply for the kingdom of God. . Posted 4/9/12
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Come! - Neil Girrard If ever we needed to see in a text who is speaking, who is being spoken to and what is being said, this portion of the Revelation would stand as one of the more paramount passages for our day. Posted 4/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- How Do We Know? Bible Bullet: John 16:13 - Neil Girrard Is it even possible to know truth? How will we know if what we know is truth and not just opinions? Posted 3/24/12
Category: Bible Bullets π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Why Not One? - Neil Girrard Why has Christ’s High Priestly prayer that we would all be “one” remained unanswered? Posted 3/22/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- A Division of Labor - Neil Girrard In the work of God, there is a division of labor that has lain unseen for centuries, even millennia. What is it? Posted 3/22/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Gaining True Spiritual Matuity - Neil Girrard When we try to gain spiritual maturity by our own efforts, we usually make things worse, not better – why is that? Posted 3/13/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Most Dangerous Man in the Assembly - Neil Girrard The most dangerous man in the assembly is the least likely suspect – he’s very likely to be the one who has the most Bible knowledge! Posted 3/8/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Desire To See - Neil Girrard Among those who have heard and obeyed God’s call to “Come out” of organized, institutional apostate churchianity, there remains a strong desire to more clearly see the ekklesia, God’s people, come together and interact in loving service to one another and to know that we are doing our part in Christ’s body. Posted 3/6/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Building Paneled Houses - Neil Girrard The Lord is again asking, “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while My house lies in ruins?” How would this word of the Lord from Hag. 1:4 apply to modern twenty-first century followers of Christ? Posted 3/6/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Death or Life - Neil Girrard The gospel message goes a lot deeper than the religious talking heads on television and in the pulpits seem to know. Posted 3/1/12
Category: Songs and Poems π
Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- If I Could Tickle Ears - Neil Girrard Ear-scratching teachers and preachers do more than defraud their listeners – they defraud themselves! Posted 3/1/12
Category: Songs and Poems π
Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- The Voice of Strangers - Neil Girrard The primary element that makes one’s voice that of a stranger is the very subtle strain of presuming oneself better or superior over others and most teachers who possess this strain either deny or justify it! Posted 3/1/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Sight - Neil Girrard An unusual Greek word points to the need to see with God’s eyes and not our own. Posted 2/21/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- Whose Will Do We Follow? - Neil Girrard With the New Testament’s many clear instructions, how do we justify the normal (average, usual) “Christian’s” exclusion of God from so much of the life they live? Posted 2/16/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
- The Misssing Piece of the Puzzle - Neil Girrard Jesus told us, if we have ears to hear, that we would need a “new” way to view ourselves in the end times. Posted 2/9/12
Category: Articles π Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
- Compel Them to Come - Neil Girrard If we want to draw people into the house of our Father, we must have - and be - something different to compel them to want to return. Posted 2/7/12
Category: Articles π Subject: Deeper Christian Living
In Progress Table
As of: March 2011
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Subject: The Gospel of the Kingdom
Subject: “Church” or Ekklesia
Subject: The “Church” Paradigm
Subject: Deeper Christian Living
Subject: Demonization and Deception
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