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  1. Abominations to God - Neil Girrard A word study on what God considers repulsive and abominable.

  2. Abuse Under a Spiritual Father; Jim, a brother in Christ - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One man’s experiences in the Apostles and Prophets movement.

  3. An Acceptable Truth - Neil Girrard Many people won’t accept what the Bible says because they often have “difficulty” believing that the translators “got it right” or that what is written in today’s Bible is truly what the original authors actually penned.

  4. Against the Night; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Colson); Neil Girrard Chuck Colson’s excellent spiritual and political analysis of a decade ago are marred by his own presupposed paradigms.

  5. All In - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many so-called “Christians” rely on their “fire insurance” religiosity – is this wise? Safe?

  6. Almost There: The “Church” Paradigm (a la Wilkerson) - Neil Girrard A comparison of messages from David Wilkerson and Watchman Nee reveals some important truths for the body of Christ today.

  7. Alone - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Being alone has more to do with the Christian life than most suppose.

  8. The American Blunders - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The Europeans have long congratulated themselves for discovering the souls basement and have long considered Americans as superficial and naïve for not having much soul - or basement! But Jesus and the Bible warned mankind of the dangers of the soul long before there ever was an America – or a Europe!

  9. The Angels’ Footpath: A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Let the reader beware! This other-wise very well written piece of futuristic fiction, as gripping as its drama may be and as realistic as its scenarios may well prove to be, is a departure from “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”

  10. Answers to Questions About Churchianity vs. the Church - Jim Baumgaertel/Neil Girrard Jim Baumgaertel asks all the right questions and Neil Girrard gives the answers which God has revealed to him.

  11. Apostasy or Rapture - Neil Girrard Where do these words come from? And which comes first? Why is it important?

  12. Ask Not What God Can Do For You - Neil Girrard A closer look at our incessant preoccupation with “ministry.”

  13. The Assembly - Neil Girrard More insights from the New Testament about the difference between the “church” and the ekklesia.
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  1. Babylonian Captivity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “pastor” in the pulpit on a platform paradigm is the heart and soul of the deceptions that keep the “church” in its Babylonian captivity.

  2. Basic Questions - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Two very basic questions that cast considerable doubt on much, if not nearly all, of modern religious Christianity.

  3. The Basis of Unity - Neil Girrard The basis of our unity today is not to be found anywhere else but in Christ.

  4. Betrayal - Neil Girrard Jesus promises that so-called followers of His will betray and hate those who are His genuine followers. Are we ready for this?

  5. Better Off - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Socialism and capitalism both claim to seek to make people “better off” – but what does this imply for the disciple of Christ?

  6. A Better Place - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There are some who believe Christianity is merely some utopian social scheme to make this world a better place.

  7. Beware of the Visible - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There are those who set great stock on “the signs that will follow” the believer - and they are indeed precious promises. But are they the whole counsel of God?

  8. Beyond Expectation - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ entire ministry could be described as little more than a series of incidents designed to confront the hidden false expectations everyone had of Him.

  9. Blind Spots: What Have We Missed? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) David Platt’s book, Radical is intended to challenge his readers to embrace a biblically radical Christianity but falls far short of its intentions because of the author’s blind spots.

  10. The Book - Neil Girrard A look at what the Bible is - and is not - for.

  11. The Bread of Life - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus said He was the bread of life. What did He mean by that?

  12. Bring Out Your Guns! – Romans 13:1; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The government has enlisted clergy to act as “clergy response teams” in times of emergency and martial law and their chief text in hand is Romans 13:1. Beware!

  13. Building Paneled Houses - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The Lord is again asking, “Is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses while My house lies in ruins?” How would this word of the Lord from Hag. 1:4 apply to modern twenty-first century followers of Christ?

  14. But I Met God There - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The fact that God has met many a soul within the walls of a “church” building should not be a source of confusion as to who the real architect of the “church” is.

  15. But I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For - Neil Girrard A look at the longings of the heart.

  16. But the Building Is Just a Tool - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A Scriptural look at the deceptive practice of “church” buildings.

  17. Buy From Me - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus commanded the Laodiceans to buy something from Him. What was it and why is it important?

  18. By the Numbers - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God’s choice of the number “one” to describe Himself is no accident.
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  1. Call for Repentance and Reformation - Steve Camp An uncompromising challenge to the contemporary Christian music industry. May God grant all who read these ears to hear what God is saying to His body.

  2. The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous.

  3. Call No Man Father; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard Christ’s clear command is not enough for the “spiritual fathering” movement.

  4. Candles, Flashlights, Lasers and the Sun - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God intends to have a variety, even an arsenal of people-types at His disposal and for His usage.

  5. Carnal Followers and Lawless “Theologians” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If we are to come out of lawless churchianity, we must first recognize the hidden sin of the leaders and spiritual fathers who contributed to the making of it.

  6. Casting Out the Spirit of Human Potential; A Warning to Leadership: Let Christ be Preeminent in His Church - Anonymous This simple pamphlet written anonymously some time ago contains a powerful word of the Lord for those who would truly be His people, His body.

  7. Catch 22: The American “Church’s” Dilemmas - Neil Girrard A penetrating look at the numerous self-imposed dilemmas which keep the “church” from being the body of Christ.

  8. Christ In - Set Man Out! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Is the “set man” principle still applicable to New Covenant believers today? This article may challenge some of our sincerest beliefs.

  9. Church Home - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Modern Christianity tells us we need a “church home.” What is a “church home”? Do we really need one?

  10. A Clever Scheme - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Getting us to go to “church” is perhaps the most clever way the devil has yet concocted to keep us from assembling together.

  11. The Coasting Zone - Neil Girrard When the subject comes up, we’re quick to protest that we have not yet arrived – but is that quick rejection really just a cover for complacency in our hearts?

  12. The Coin of the Realm - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many think they know what God’s “economy” is all about – but it’s not really what most people presume.

  13. Come! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If ever we needed to see in a text who is speaking, who is being spoken to and what is being said, this portion of the Revelation would stand as one of the more paramount passages for our day.

  14. Come Out From Among Them - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why, at the end of His explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, did Jesus say, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”?

  15. Common Usage - Neil Girrard Sometimes it benefits us to read a familiar passage in the Greek because we, without ever realizing it, have often experienced a subtle shift in meaning simply because the New Testament we read is in English.

  16. Compel Them to Come - Neil Girrard If we want to draw people into the house of our Father, we must have - and be - something different to compel them to want to return.

  17. Completing the Revolution - Neil Girrard Andrew Strom’s statement of his withdrawal from the “Out-of-Church” movement (what George Barna calls “The Revolution”) advocates for yet another form of deception. Beware!

  18. Contrasts - Neil Girrard Goodness is often contrasted with spirituality but in reality they are far more deeply intertwined than this simple contrast would suggest.

  19. Control - Neil Girrard John Taylor Gatto describes the educational system as “deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens – all in order to render the populace ‘manageable.’” What does this mean for the follower in Christ?

  20. Counting Heads - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One of the most obvious features of any particular “church” can be used to easily and immediately assess its character and quality and this requires no spiritual discernment whatsoever – so why isn’t this method used more often?

  21. Critical Blockage - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul told us what the manifold grace (mercy and power) of God would do – why don’t we see it in our corporate assemblies?

  22. Culture - Neil Girrard What is “culture” and what does it have to do with our life in Christ? Much more than most people think.
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  1. Dealing With a Sinning Brother - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Perhaps the most needed - and perhaps the most absent - aspect of Christian living today is knowing just how to deal with a brother’s sin.

  2. Death in the Living Room: It’s Not Just in the “Church” Anymore - Neil Girrard We certainly cannot change the whole of churchianity - by what means can we know whether the group we are attending or gathering with is truly administering life or administering death?

  3. A Defeated Devil - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many who claim to follow Christ hold to the idea of a defeated devil, ridiculing his schemes and devices as just the foolish floppings of a “toothless old tiger” too stupid and inept to be of any harm or threat to their eternal security in Christ. But is this an accurate portrayal?

  4. Demonics - Neil Girrard Can a Christian be demonized? Can a “pastor” be demonized? The answer might surprise you.

  5. Demonized - Neil Girrard A look at what the Scriptures teach - and do not teach - about a believer being possessed of a demon.

  6. Denying the Master - Neil Girrard Based on Jude’s and Peter’s prophecies, many people expect the end time apostates to be those who simply deny Christ’s transcendency and deity – but this is a complete misunderstanding of what the apostles said.

  7. The Desire To See - Neil Girrard Among those who have heard and obeyed God’s call to “Come out” of organized, institutional apostate churchianity, there remains a strong desire to more clearly see the ekklesia, God’s people, come together and interact in loving service to one another and to know that we are doing our part in Christ’s body.

  8. A Different Jesus - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Every sect (denomination) and religious social club (“church”) has its own “Jesus.” How can this be?

  9. A Division of Labor - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In the work of God, there is a division of labor that has lain unseen for centuries, even millennia. What is it?

  10. Do Not Yield - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many “Christian” leaders demand blind obedience from their followers but what does the New Testament really say about obeying men?

  11. The Do Nothing Gospel; - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some are teaching that any work whatsoever is “self-effort” so as to be saved or a return to law as a way to earn one’s salvation. But is this so?

  12. A Doctrine of Grace; - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Even the teaching of grace is distorted in these last days of deception and lawlessness.

  13. Doing Good; - Neil Girrard Evil is triumphing, say some, and good men must get busy. But is this really so?

  14. Doing the Will of God - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A study in the New Testament about the importance of doing the will of God.

  15. Done With “Church” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Another significant segment of people are again abandoning the “church” – and this group has been labeled as “dones” and “called outs.”

  16. Double Mindedness - Neil Girrard We are all familiar with “a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways,” but just how deep does that instability go?

  17. The Duplicity of Popularity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The success of a “pastor” or “church” is measured almost entirely in its popularity but is this a good standard by which to judge a man or “ministry”?
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  1. Ekkaleo - Ekkletoi - Ekklesia - Neil Girrard Becoming the ekklesia is a process - not an automatic guarantee just because we claim to be “a Christian.”

  2. Ekklesia - A Word Study - Neil Girrard Reading the Scriptures with the word “church” in them has done centuries of damage to the body of Christ. A simple reading of these Scriptures with the Greek word “ekklesia” re-inserted can be a real eye-opener.

  3. Ekklesia or the Kingdom of God - Neil Girrard The kingdom of God is simply not the exact same thing as the ekklesia and the confusion that results by assuming that they are has caused many difficulties for the people of Christ.

  4. Enemies of the King - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Far too often we do not take seriously just who and what is considered the enemy of God.

  5. The Enoch Factor - A Review - Neil Girrard Steve McSwain’s book recognizes the many ills of modern churchianity but embraces a New-Age type of spirituality that will prove far more lethal to those who follow it.

  6. Entertaining Dangers - Neil Girrard Are we entertaining ourselves into danger, perhaps even into hell itself?

  7. Entertainment Revisited - Neil Girrard A second look at what entertainment does for us.

  8. Ephesians: Paul’s Time Capsule - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some Bible scholars insist that Ephesians is merely a general letter for all believers - others question the authenticity of Paul’s authorship because Paul’s usual inclusion of eschatology (the study of prophesied end-times events) is absent. What is the real story and why is it so vitally important for us to understand Paul’s intent today?

  9. Error and Deception - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The phrase “the error of Balaam” opens up what God has to say to those who live in the days of deception prior to His return.

  10. Established in the Truth – 2 Peter 1:12; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Deceived adherents to the twisted doctrine of “grace” think they’re working to be established in the truth – instead they are only being established by the demonic in their error.

  11. The Eternal Gospel - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Sometimes when we read the book of Revelation we can easily miss some detail or fail to grasp the profound significance of some sparsely described event – even about something as important as the eternal gospel of Christ.

  12. Eternal Security? - Neil Girrard Some people completely dismiss outright the idea of “losing one’s salvation” by claiming that we must not, and even cannot, add to the finished work of Christ on the cross – but is this the truth?

  13. Experience Required - Neil Girrard Can we really know God apart from our experience?

  14. Exploding the Myth of Christ’s Delegated Authority - Neil Girrard Christ gave His authority to men to lead other believers into a closer walk with Him – didn’t He?
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  1. Fables - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul warned us that the time would come when believers would be turned aside to fables. What did he have in mind?

  2. Faith Alone? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The entire “faith alone” concept is overly simplistic, unbalanced, skewed and distorted. What is the truth?

  3. A False Dichotomy - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our notions of “ministry” suffer from layers of added meanings that change our understanding of what the New Testament really says.

  4. False Gods - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format - Printable Tract (in Adobe/pdf format) ) The Greek world of Paul’s day faced the same sort of idolatry that is endangering so many in Africa’s ebola outbreak.

  5. False Prophets - Neil Girrard Just what makes a false prophet false? The answer will surprise many people.

  6. The Father’s Business - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) As sons of we need to be about our Father’s business – but what is that?

  7. Fear This - Neil Girrard Some mythologies about fear are exploded. An important read for the timid!

  8. A Fine Line - Neil Girrard The believer who wants to obey God must constantly choose between righteousness and lawlessness – but few seem to know what lawlessness really is.

  9. Finish the Reformation! - Neil Girrard Finishing the Reformation truly and simply means that we must all press on to the maturity that is found only in Christ.

  10. First Fruits, Tithes and Offerings - Darryl Samuels - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A brother confronted with erroneous and false teachings about tithes and offerings, especially the “first fruits,” shares the results of his decision to research the Bible for himself.

  11. Follow Me - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus makes it abundantly clear what it takes to gain eternal life.

  12. Follow or Duplicate? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus and Paul both said “Follow me…” Didn’t they?

  13. Following the Lamb - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Following Christ is more than just obeying the commands of Christ.

  14. Foundations - Neil Girrard When the foundations of life are destroyed, what are the righteous to do?

  15. Friends of the King - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) When a king of a realm gives a command and it is disobeyed, the crime against the king is called treason and betrayal – and the penalty is almost certain to be death.

  16. From “Once Upon a Time...” to “Happily Ever After”? - Neil Girrard A discussion of the “once saved, always saved” theory.

  17. From the WordNeil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Apologetics is a good thing, right?

  18. FUBAR: Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition - Neil Girrard D-Day and Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, provide illuminating lessons from history.

  19. Fulfillment of Purpose - Neil Girrard The real purpose for which each individual was created remains unrealized and much real potential for real goodness and even greatness remains untapped as men who refuse to draw near to God still wind up the poorer for their arrogance.

  20. Furthering the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Practical steps toward seeing the kingdom of God established among us.

  21. The Futility of Life - Neil Girrard So what’s the point of life anyway?
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  1. Gaining True Spiritual Maturity - Neil Girrard When we try to gain spiritual maturity by our own efforts, we usually make things worse, not better – why is that?

  2. A Game of Words - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Words are the transportation device of the enemy of our souls and most Christians don’t know how successful he’s been at robbing us of our heritage in Christ.

  3. Genuine Christians - Neil Girrard When Paul confronted the Judaizers, he also left us a perfect description of genuine believers in Christ.

  4. God? - Neil Girrard What do we say to the growing number of people who no longer want anything to do with God because of their past “church” experiences?

  5. God-Given Assets - Neil Girrard Seekers of financial freedom very often use other people for their own gain and then speak openly of their “God-given assets.”

  6. God In Our Own Likeness - Neil Girrard Re-inventing God has devastating consequences upon our lives, now and in eternity.

  7. God the Judge of All - Neil Girrard The New Testament clearly says that God is to be the Judge of all men – so why does the “church” teach exemption from judgment for their attendees? And just what are the standards by which we shall all be judged?

  8. God’s Approval - Neil Girrard God’s approval on our life and on our work in His kingdom is no light and trivial matter.

  9. God’s Fuhrer - Neil Girrard The hierarchy of the “church” (and its leftover remains among those who have left the “church”) makes the “servants of God” resemble a fuhrer. How can this be?

  10. God’s Order - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Anyone who speaks against the “church” is only promoting disorder and may be summarily dismissed as speaking only from the devil and the demonic – right?

  11. Going It Alone - Neil Girrard At “church” we were direly warned of going off alone in our Christianity – but are these warnings true?

  12. Gospel of Grace - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Joseph Prince’s book, Destined to Reign, is an astonishing compilation of errors and false teachings. This article attempts to tackle all those found in chapter 3, “Controversies Surrounding the Gospel of Grace.”

  13. Grace and PrideNeil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There may have been no greater disservice to the truth about grace than to render “grace” (Greek, charis) as only “God’s unmerited favor.”

  14. Grace and Truth; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The devil holds no tenet of the faith as sacred and he will distort any and every doctrine of the gospel if it will gain him any advantage over even one single believer – even the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  15. The Great Treasure - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) With great treasure comes great responsibility.

  16. Guided Into All Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some teachers like to point out that isolated phrases and sentences from the Scriptures put together at a teacher’s whim can be made to prove almost anything but few seem to recognize the double standard this really is.
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  1. Hidden “Pastor”-isms or, Once a “Pastor,” Always a “Pastor”? - Neil Girrard When a “pastor” exits the “church,” it will be very easy for him to underestimate how difficult it will be for him to be a real person again after having been a “pastor.”

  2. Hijacked! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We do not normally associate the term “hijacked” with the New Testament yet this is precisely what has happened and is happening.

  3. An Historical Indictment - Neil Girrard A quote from Alexis de Tocqueville points to the truth about the United States as a “Christian” nation.

  4. History Revisited - Neil Girrard Yet again, those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

  5. Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau: Three of Satan’s Stooges - Neil Girrard The U.S. is little more than the acting out of the philosophies of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau but most Americans don’t know what these philosophers said or why that might be important to them as followers of Christ.

  6. How “Eld” Must an Elder Be? - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the role of elders in the local assembly.

  7. How Far Is Too Far? - Neil Girrard The needs of the ones are more immediate than the needs of the 99. But how far should we go in rescuing these ones?

  8. How to Be a Local Ekklesia: or, Where the House “Church” Movement Failed - Neil Girrard The house “church” failed to attain to the three core elements of true ekklesia and has, for the most part, already devolved into yet another hardened wineskin.

  9. Hurt and Bitter - Neil Girrard The monstrous distortion that says, “That man is hurt and bitter – nothing he says could possibly be true or right.” is only an accusation most often leveled at prophets or other men of God who have something to say that is difficult for the listener to hear and receive.

  10. Hypocrisy: The Dread Disease of Frustration - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the effects of believing one thing and living out another.
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  1. I and You: Whoever These May Be - Neil Girrard An exploration of just how different people in the “church” can be from those who have come out.

  2. I Have Not Sent ThemNeil Girrard By what means can we test the men and women who come along claiming to be “apostles” sent by the Lord to proclaim the way of the Lord?

  3. I Will Be Your Father - Darryl Samuels - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God is by nature a Father and He wants a family but there are many deceptions that are designed to get us to forsake Him as our only true Father.

  4. Implications of Ownership - Neil Girrard We have been bought at a price. Isn’t it about time we lived out this truth?

  5. The Importance of Christ - Neil Girrard Christ is the King, the Absolute Monarch, over those who claim to be His – so why isn’t He obeyed?

  6. Important Things - Jim Baumgaertel A short list of powerfully important ideas and issues extremely relevant to living for Christ in this time.

  7. In But Not Of - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Being in this world but not of it is a standard that truly separates “the men from the boys.”

  8. In His Rest - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at resting in God.

  9. In My Name - Neil Girrard What does it mean to gather together in the name of Christ?

  10. In Search of an Answer - Neil Girrard A look at our options in facing the future as it is likely to be here in America.

  11. In Search of the Perfect Church - Neil Girrard A Scriptural basis for understanding what the perfect church is.

  12. In the Way - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The parable of the wheat and the tares holds a unique place in the New Testament.

  13. The Inerrant Word of God - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul’s prophecy that many will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables is being fulfilled in mainstream “Christianity” on such a widespread scale that it is all but impossible to conclude that this is the time of the apostasy.

  14. Inevitable Conclusions - Neil Girrard Barry Goldwater’s 1964 acceptance speech contains a fabulous glimpse into the overarching motivation that drives the conservative movement in America.

  15. Inoculated - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Americans are unreached by the gospel because they have been inoculated against it, most often at some “church.”

  16. Inside Out - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) By failing to preserve the unity of the Spirit we turn the gospel of Christ inside out.

  17. It Doesn’t Take a Genius - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If it doesn’t take a genius to make the world a better place, what will it take?
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  1. Joy For All? - Neil Girrard Joy is a much desired commodity in the “church” these days - but is it really the good thing we all think it is?

  2. Jude’s Dilemma - Neil Girrard The pending spiritual danger made Jude set aside his warm, glowing sentiments regarding salvation and write a fiery letter of warning.

  3. Just What Are the Wiles of the Devil? - David Williams A short treatment of how the devil really deceives us.

  4. Juxtaposition - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why are so many leaving “organized expressions of Christian religion”?
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  1. The Keeping of the Sabbath - Neil Girrard The Sabbath law has been abolished along with every other law, right?

  2. The Keys of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) With knowledge of the keys to the kingdom of God, one must certainly possess eternal life – right?

  3. King James Only - Neil Girrard Some groups insist on reading the King James Bible only – what is that all about?

  4. The Kingdom Is the Key - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) An accurate understanding of the kingdom of God is the key to understanding the collection of writings we commonly call the New Testament.

  5. Kingdom Now? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Is the kingdom of God something we need to be concerned about today?

  6. The Kingdom of God Is at Hand - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) With the proclamation that the kingdom of God was at hand, Jesus ushered in a new phase in the work of redemption that God had purposed before the creation of the world.

  7. Kingdom or Church? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Did Christ come to found and institute the church or did He come to bring forth the kingdom of God among men?

  8. The King’s Return - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) When the King returns, what will He expect us to have done for Him?

  9. Knowledge and Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Knowledge can be a useful tool or a destructive weapon. How do we know what we have?

  10. Known - Neil Girrard What is the importance of our being known in the mind of God before the worlds were created? More than you might think.
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  1. The Last Enemy - Neil Girrard The people of Christ are engaged in a life or death struggle – but few seem to know which one is which.

  2. The Law of God - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We may not be able to exhaust every possible answer to the question of why God instituted the system of blood sacrifices and offerings we find in the Old Testament, but the mains ones we do find in the Bible provide strong encouragement, great comfort and dire warning!

  3. Leadership and UnityNeil Girrard Leadership is more often the source of division that destroys our unity in Christ.

  4. Leaving “Church” Behind; To Follow Jesus in Spirit and TruthNeil Girrard (also on Paidion Books Home Page) If you're seeing discrepancies and differences between the New Testament and “church” - and not just your “church” but “church” practices in general - you are not alone by any means.

  5. The Lie Called RevivalNeil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) “Revivals” are popular at many “churches” and everyone seems to think everyone needs “revived” – but what is the truth?

  6. The Light of Life - Neil Girrard Jesus is not only saying that His followers must forsake darkness in all its forms, He is also clarifying something about the nature of His life and light.

  7. Like a Flood - Neil Girrard Truth is not an option in the believer’s life - a prophecy by Isaiah sheds light on the coming apostasy.

  8. Living Truth - Neil Girrard Lawlessness (doing what is right in one’s own eyes) has many subtle ways of diverting us from Christ.

  9. The Local Church in the Time of Apostasy - Neil Girrard An examination of how Watchman Nee’s teachings in The Normal Christian Church Life, chapter 5, are to be viewed in the context of today’s ultra-denominationalism.

  10. Lopsided Theology - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If there is any word that might come closest to describing everyone’s ideas about Christ and God in this time and season, it would be the word “lopsided.”

  11. The Lord's Work and Way - Neil Girrard What will the Lord provide when He wants to restore a right relationship between the rich and the poor of His people?

  12. The Lost Power of Words - Neil Girrard The changing vocabulary of the body of Christ is not just passing fads and changing trends - it is a cause for alarm.
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  1. The Man of God - Neil Girrard The man of God is a category to which every true believer belongs. Do not be deceived!

  2. Many Deceptions and The Lie - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How do we reconcile the difference between the many New Testament prophecies that speak of a plurality, even a multiplicity, of deceptions with Paul’s reference to a single lie that carries severe, eternal consequences for those who come under its power?

  3. Mark 1:3 by Kenneth S. Wuest A Greek scholar’s insights into John the Baptist’s message to Israel holds things we ought to consider as well.

  4. Martyrdom - Neil Girrard A fictional look into the future.

  5. Maturing in Christ: Advice to New - and Old - Believers - Neil Girrard The path to spiritual maturity is not just a walk up an aisle or even an overnight journey. There are many things we need to observe in our spiritual journey toward God to be certain we don’t get off the path that leads to life.

  6. The Meaning of Life - Neil Girrard The question of the meaning of one’s life has many far-reaching implications.

  7. Meditations - Neil Girrard Ever wondered what all those Christianese words really mean?

  8. Meeting - Neil Girrard We’ve spotted the “church” building, the “pastor” and even the “liturgy” – but what about our “meetings”?

  9. The Message of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard Everyone knows the parable of the sower and the seed – so what really does the seed represent?

  10. The Mighty Antithesis: Sin and Grace - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A.W. Tozer encountered hyper-grace in the 1950s and demonstrated that any discussion of sin and grace is going to cover ground at least touched upon by the conflict between Pelagius and Augustine in the 5th century.

  11. Mighty in the Scriptures - Neil Girrard William Beck, a translator of the New Testament, called for men like Apollos who were mighty in the Scriptures. But will that really help us?

  12. The Missing Piece of the Puzzle - Neil Girrard Jesus told us, if we have ears to hear, that we would need a “new” way to view ourselves in the end times.

  13. Missionaries - Neil Girrard “Missionary” is not a word used in the New Testament. So why are we so insistent on sending out missionaries?

  14. A Most Comforting Doctrine - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There are other factors to be considered beyond “once saved, always saved” and “eternal security” – what are they?

  15. The Most Dangerous Man in the Assembly - Neil Girrard The most dangerous man in the assembly is the least likely suspect – he’s very likely to be the one who has the most Bible knowledge!

  16. The Mother of Abominations - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) “Mystery Babylon” encompasses more than most people realize.

  17. My Son, My Son; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard The “spiritual fathering” teachers, from Paul and Peter calling Timothy, Titus, Onesimus and Mark their “sons,” have concocted a teaching that says that all men must have a “spiritual father” and any one who does not have one is an orphan who is destitute of any real place in the order and family of God. Is this the truth?

  18. My Testimony - Neil Girrard A brief telling of my long strange trip toward God.

  19. A Mystery Revealed - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) New Testament “mysteries” present special dangers to those who would follow Christ. What are these dangers?
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  1. The Nature of Love - Neil Girrard What love is and is not.

  2. The Necessity of Finding Fault - Neil Girrard Finding fault is not the sin some think it to be - it is an essential requirement of a godly life.

  3. The Net - Neil Girrard To be fishers of men we need fishing equipment.

  4. The New Covenant: A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Bob Emery’s book attempts a dramatic retelling of the New Testament but accomplishes far less – and more! – than the author probably intended.

  5. The New Testament Pattern of Ekklesia - Neil Girrard There is a New Testament pattern of ekklesia - and modern “church” life does not match up.

  6. No Good Thing - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) It is a great day in the Lord when we finally learn there is no good thing in our flesh – but what will it take for us to learn that there is no good thing in the “church”?

  7. No Greater Conceit - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) There is perhaps no greater or more dangerous, conceit than the notion that Christ died for me unless it is the conceit that says “my way” is acceptable to God.

  8. No Lie Is of the Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Every lie we discover embedded in our thinking can and even must be discarded.

  9. No Place for the Devil - Neil Girrard Some teach that “God won’t share the apartment” and saying a Christian is demon possessed is the blasphemy of the Spirit. But is that so?

  10. No Place for the Poor - Neil Girrard Wealth and poverty and work are not the simple matters many people believe them to be.

  11. No Substitutions - Neil Girrard The subtle substitutions Satan attempts to deceive us with can rob us of our heritage as sons of God.

  12. Nothing New - Neil Girrard A look at how the devil’s strategies to entrap the body of Christ really haven’t changed over the centuries.

  13. Nuggets - Neil Girrard A brief look at being a Christian, prophets and missions.
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  1. Old Covenant Vs. New Covenant (Set Man Vs. Jesus Christ) - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “set man” of the Old Covenant is no longer applicable to today’s New Testament sincere believers in Christ.

  2. On the Basis of Scripture - Neil Girrard A brief look at the many “church” notions and practices which have no place in Scripture.

  3. One Another Commands - Neil Girrard The requirements of the New Testament of what we are and are not to do and be “one to another” are awesome in scope and responsibility.

  4. One Big Circle - Neil Girrard A look at the similar histories of Jesus, Stephen and the bride of Christ.

  5. One Hundred and Seven Theses - Steve Camp Christianity today is increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age rather than the Spirit of Christ. We call ourselves to repent of this sin and to recover the historic Christian faith in the arts again.

  6. One Jacked “Jesus” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Lawless rebels have created a “Jesus” who condones, encourages and enables their neurotic, carnal, sinful and wicked lifestyles, those ways of living that make both individuals and people groups ripe for strong judgment.

  7. One Small Hiccup: Chip Brogden’s The Church in the Wilderness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A nearly flawless work of spiritual insights and wisdom is unfortunately marred by one expression of the author’s opinions – but don’t let that stop you from buying or reading the book for yourself!

  8. One Spirit - Neil Girrard There is only one Spirit of God - or is there? The answer to this question brings forth a surprising answer from the Scriptures and from God.

  9. Only One Question - Neil Girrard In any corporate gatherings of people who follow Christ there is only one question we need to answer. What is it?

  10. The Open Church – A Review - Neil Girrard A good book to read - with the understanding that it represents some serious compromises to the vision that God tried to give.

  11. Open Letter to Pastors What will Jesus have to say to “pastors” on judgment day? “Well done” or “Depart from Me”? Most people blindly consider this to be a stupid question. Could they be wrong?

  12. Opening Spiritual Ears - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The ear that hears what God is saying is one of the most important things that accompany salvation. So why is this truth so often explained away or ridiculed?

  13. Ordination - Neil Girrard Ordination, the raising up of new leaders, is a highly vaunted practice in the “church.” But is it Scriptural? What do the Scriptures really say about “ordaining someone to the ministry”?

  14. Origins - Neil Girrard The history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses offers us an enlightening glimpse into the danger of allowing any move of God to degenerate into a denominational institution.

  15. The Orphan Spirit; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those who refuse to submit themselves under a “spiritual father” are now accused of and condemned for having an “orphan spirit.” What’s the basis of that?

  16. The Other Sheep - Neil Girrard Jesus said that He must bring in “the other sheep” and make “one flock” under “one shepherd.” Who are these “other sheep”?

  17. Our Duty - Neil Girrard A word study on strife and striving that reveals what God expects of us - contains some surprising answers!

  18. Our Heavenly Calling in Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our heavenly calling in Christ requires a balance of deeper and more accurate knowledge of exactly what God has done for and given to us accompanied by our diligent obedience and spiritually mature attentiveness to the responsibilities He has placed upon us.

  19. Our Threefold Enemy - Neil Girrard Those who would have us fight only the flesh leave us blind to our defenses against the demonic and the world and to the offensive weapons God has given us that we might obtain His objectives.

  20. Out of “Church” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Coming out of “church” is a lot more than just leaving the building and no longer sitting at the feet of the “man of God” behind his pulpit.

  21. Outside the Box - Neil Girrard In one short quote, J.B. Phillips put his finger squarely on the problems of modern churchianity.
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  1. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Wedding Maids - Neil Girrard Centuries of foolish and even demonic paradigms have distorted the clear meaning behind Jesus’ words in this parable.

  2. The Paradigm Shift - Neil Girrard A response to some of Steve Camp’s 107 Theses addressing the issues of what it really means to be the church.

  3. A Part of Christ - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The people who are “the Church,” are part of Christ, right?

  4. The Passing Darkness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The reason mainline denominations are dying out is blatantly obvious for those who have eyes to see.

  5. Pastor, Bishop or Nicolaitan Overlord? - Neil Girrard Is the “pastor” a real New Testament office or a 1st century religious construct?

  6. Pastors - Neil Girrard What is a pastor? Why is the “pastor” so central to “church”?

  7. Paths of Righteousness - Neil Girrard Quotes from Philip Keller, an experienced shepherd, provide an excellent view into the role of sheep and shepherds.

  8. Pentecost at Any Cost - Leonard Ravenhill Our rediscovery of Pentecost may be the new wine that will burst the old bottles.

  9. The Perfect Church - Neil Girrard All those who subscribe to the “church” paradigm believe they have their hands on the whole counsel of God - yet, it is precisely this blind grip on partial truths that gives the “church” paradigm its lethal power over those who believe in it.

  10. Perilous Times - Neil Girrard The deception of the end times is dangerous – especially for those who don’t believe deception is really there.

  11. Peter’s Two Fathers - Jonah and John; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard The “spiritual fathering” movement relies on teachings like this one.

  12. A Picture of the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain, He showed His glory to His disciples – and left us a detailed “snapshot” of what His kingdom would be like after His death and before His return.

  13. Picture This - Neil Girrard Love is still the characteristic signature of genuine Christians – but do we have any idea what that might look like anymore?

  14. The Pillar of Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We, the people of Christ, are to stand for and uphold God’s absolute standards of truth.

  15. Pleasing Men - Neil Girrard Few recognize just how subtle pleasing men can be – and how it keeps us from obeying God.

  16. The Poor, the Crippled, the Blind and the Lame - Neil Girrard Only the spiritually poor, crippled, blind and lame partake of Christ’s eternal life.

  17. Poverty - Neil Girrard Despite what anyone tells you, it is not illegal, immoral or unethical to be poor.

  18. The Power of “Church” Deception - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those ensnared in obvious sin are more likely to attain to liberty than those ensnared by “church” deceptions because so few recognize how unScriptural the “church” has become.

  19. The Power of Truth; Ananias and Sapphira - Neil Girrard Ananias and Sapphira provide much needed insights about walking in the light of truth.

  20. Practicing a Lie - Neil Girrard Worshiping God in spirit and in truth is not an option.

  21. A Prayer for Owen Meany: A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) This book may represent the most sophisticated and systematic exposure yet of the modern “church” put into a fictional novel or it may only be another indicator of just how deceptive the “church” can be. Either way, it opens up questions of depth one is not likely to encounter at “church”!

  22. A Prayer Request - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The deepest desire of our heart is for the return of Christ. Isn’t it?

  23. Praying Through - Neil Girrard Prayer is still a primary necessity in the Christian’s life - just as it was in Paul’s life.

  24. Preaching Christ in a Post-Christian Society - Neil Girrard There may befall the preacher of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ no harder task than to preach His name, His truth, His story to a people who have already heard “all that,” digested “all that,” done “all that,” rejected “all that.”

  25. Presenting the King - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Do you know what it means to have a King? Many people don’t.

  26. Pressing Into the Kingdom - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The kingdom of God differs from the law and the prophets – why is that important?

  27. The Profound, the Mysterious, the Meaningless and the Mundane - Neil Girrard “So heavenly minded he’s of no earthly good” is an age-old adage in Christian circles but does it really convey the whole truth of the matter?

  28. The Promise of Eternal Life - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Juan Ponce de Leon’s pursuit of the fountain of youth in the 1500s is very comparable to modern “Christianity’s” ideas on how to gain eternal life.

  29. Prophetic Words Given to Jim Casey For several years the Lord spoke quietly but powerfully. Read these words for your edification.

  30. Provision, Power and Presumption - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The temptations of Christ are more intricately intertwined in the life of the genuine believer than we are normally taught at “church.”

  31. Purity - Neil Girrard Can we still go to “church” after we know the truth?

  32. The Purpose of America - Neil Girrard Who said America can’t be found in the end-times prophecies? And who said God invented democracy?

  33. The Purpose of Parables - Neil Girrard Parables serve a much more precise purpose in the teachings of Jesus than most people realize.
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  1. “Questions About Churchianity” and “Four Ways Christians Are Deceived” - Jim Baumgaertel A couple of articles by Jim Baumgaertel asking the right questions and finding the right answers.

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  1. Reform Is Not an Option - Neil Girrard The “church” needs changed but will it submit to what is really needed?

  2. Religion - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Religion – as a word, as a concept and as a practice – cannot be rightly categorized apart from the adjectives and descriptive we attach to it.

  3. Responding to the Apostasy - Neil Girrard As the great falling away from the faith unfolds all around us, what response should we make?

  4. The Right and Only Way - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Is there such a thing as the right and only way – what is it?

  5. The Right Answer - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How we answer the question “Who do you say that I am?” effects everything about how we will go about practicing the way of following Christ.

  6. A Rural Exodus - Review - Neil Girrard “Pastors” are exiting the rural Midwest faster than the population – why? And what does it show all of us?

  7. Ruthless Goddess - Neil Girrard A look at the power of pornography.
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  1. Saints or Sinners - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) What is an individual after a genuine conversion? Why does it matter?

  2. Salvation by Grace - How It Works - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A modern-day parable about being truly saved.

  3. Same Old Story: Montanus vs. Ignatius of Antioch - Neil Girrard “Church” splits are almost as old as church history – and the first one reveals a lot of the errors we still practice today.

  4. Same Sin, Different Day - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the sin of gossip.

  5. Satan’s Scriptural Strategies - Neil Girrard Satan’s strategies to oppose, cripple and even destroy the people of Christ are taken straight from the pages of Scripture.

  6. Separate - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One can believe in all the “essential doctrines” of Christianity but if one speaks out against the ills and evils of “church” and organized, institutional “Christian” religion, then that one simply cannot possibly be a brother in Christ. What?

  7. The Shell Game - Neil Girrard “Church” is so filled with deception and lies. What is the truth?

  8. Shooting the Wounded - Neil Girrard Love practiced and plainly visible (and not just taught or talked about!) is the only way to preach the whole gospel of the kingdom of Christ.

  9. Sight - Neil Girrard An unusual Greek word points to the need to see with God’s eyes and not our own.

  10. Significant Differences - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) For those who have spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, the differences between the kingdom of God and the “church” are as important as whether one worships God or worships an idol and the false demonic “god” behind it.

  11. Silence - Neil Girrard Why were the apostles and prophets silent when Constantine “Christianized” the Roman empire? Enlightening details from church history.

  12. Simple Safeguards - Neil Girrard There are some simple safeguards that we can implement in regards to whether or not we should be gathering, safeguards that the genuine leaders (the truly more mature members of the body of Christ) should be sounding forth.

  13. Simplicity in Christ - Neil Girrard The simplicity that Christ calls us to walk in applies also, believe it or not, to how we are to assemble.

  14. Sitting at the Master’s Feet - Neil Girrard Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet gives us a picture of how what is most important in the genuine Christian life.

  15. A Slippery Slope - Neil Girrard Like Francis Schaeffer's How Shall We Then Live?, Frank Viola's wonderful historical analysis in Pagan Christianity is tainted by the short-comings of the last chapter.

  16. So You Think You’re a Christian; Neil Girrard What it means to be “saved.”

  17. Sound Bites - Neil Girrard Bits of wisdom accumulated over the years.

  18. Spectator Sport - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In the face of the many multiplied thousands of “churches” proliferating around the world, the world grows swiftly darker and more evil. Are God’s methods actually ineffective and impotent?

  19. Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?

  20. Spirit and Truth - Neil Girrard What is worship? Are we really worshiping God or not?

  21. Spiritual Blindness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Whether we look at Nicodemus or Eve or Cain or Saul or Elymas or ourselves, the sin nature is common to every man, woman and child.

  22. Spiritual Fathers – 1 Corinthians 4:15; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard From a very scant Scriptural base, a whole system of teaching has evolved that concocts a “one size fits all” false doctrine that results in tyranny, oppression, persecution, exclusion, favoritism and a host of other evils.

  23. Spiritual Tyrants: How To Spot a NicolaitanNeil Girrard Nicolaitanism is perhaps the most pervasive error that plagues the “church” - from the mega-“church” to the house “church.” Some practical signposts point it out when we see it.

  24. The Standard of Perfection - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus said that we should be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect – so why aren’t we perfect?

  25. Still Close at Hand - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call to repent because the kingdom of God is close at hand is still sounding because man is still wicked and sinful.

  26. Strong Delusion - Neil Girrard When God sends strong delusion on all who take pleasure in unrighteousness, who can stand?

  27. The Subliminal Message - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The subliminal message is the one that always sticks the longest even (and especially!) when that hidden message is not perceived or understood consciously – so what do we really hear when a man speaks from behind a pulpit?

  28. Surrender - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some object to the use of the word “surrender” in our relationship with God. Why would they do that?
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  1. Tags Come Second - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people want to believe that “denominational tags” are permissible and harmless and even irrelevant. Really?

  2. Taking the Place of Jesus - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why anyone would want to take the place of Jesus is simultaneously difficult and simple to understand.

  3. A Tangled Web - Neil Girrard If knowing and doing the will of God is such a central part of following Christ, why do some claim that God’s purposes and will are unknowable?

  4. Teachers - Neil Girrard Teachers are a part of the body of Christ - and a prominent part of the apostasy. So which is which?

  5. Teachings of the Spirit - Neil Girrard It is most important that the Holy Spirit, and not some man, be our real teacher. Here’s why.

  6. Tears - Neil Girrard What are our tears for?

  7. The Test of Loyalty - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How God uses the “church” to test the loyalty of those who claim to be His.

  8. The Test of Obedience - Neil Girrard Our obedience to Christ’s commands is still a requirement to attain to eternal salvation.

  9. There’s Nothing Wrong With Me - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The failure to face up to our own realities is often the source of our deepest deceptions.

  10. A Thing of Bronze - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The bronze serpent Moses raised in the wilderness some 3500 years ago holds more implications for us today than most realize.

  11. Think Like I Think - Neil Girrard I expect, insist and demand that you think like I do – just like the Bible says.

  12. Thinking Naughty Thoughts - A Review - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) For penetrating, conversation-stimulating insights and questions, this book stands in a short list of books that attempt to rightly divide the issues of modern churchianity.

  13. Those Who Despise and Reject Authority - Neil Girrard Though many people leaving the “church” are accused of rebelling against authority – and Peter’s and Jude’s prophecies are used - this is only a misrepresentation of the real meanings in these prophecies.

  14. Three Fatal Flaws of Sam Soleyn’s “Spiritual Oversight” Teaching - Neil Girrard His teachings suffers from many spiritually fatal flaws. Beware!

  15. Three Lies - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Three lies currently in vogue in various “Christian” circles, at first, seem to be unrelated to one another but in reality share very similar roots.

  16. Three Parables - Neil Girrard Three of Jesus’ parables we cannot afford to misunderstand.

  17. Through the Looking Glass - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If one looks into either end of binoculars or a telescope, a “looking glass,” one can see many things about the kingdom and the “church.” A surprisingly deep parable.

  18. The Time of Lawlessness - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The one who does things he knows to be sinful or wrong is not the one the New Testament calls lawless.

  19. To Be or Not To Be - Neil Girrard Amazingly, this is the simple question before each individual who claims to follow Christ in this tumultuous, confused and confusing time the New Testament calls the end of the age.

  20. To Live For - Neil Girrard What is that we really live for?

  21. To See As God Sees - Neil Girrard Jesus wrote seven letters to seven “angels” – who was He writing to?

  22. Told to Go: Or, Riding the Wrong Horse - Neil Girrard Most “Christians” turn a deaf ear to God’s command to “Come out” because it would require leaving the comfort zone of the “church” and comfortable “church” society circles.

  23. Too Deeply - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Christian leaders today act as if exhortation is offensive and that the philosophy of offending anyone does not come from the Bible.

  24. Treasures - Neil Girrard Do we really know what our treasures really are?

  25. Triumphant Overcoming - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If there is one word that has fallen from common usage in “Christian” circles, it would be the need to overcome.

  26. The True Body of Christ - Neil Girrard Just what is the true body of Christ and in what manner does one go about seeking to find those that are like-minded?

  27. The True Tabernacle - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Scripture says there is a true tabernacle of Christ. What are the differences between the true one and the false ones?

  28. True Witness - Harry R. Miller To stand up and be counted as one who stands for the whole truth of God's Word, is not easy.

  29. True Words - Neil Girrard Modern New Testament prophets - if there really is such a thing – must speak only “edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” Right?

  30. Truth and Grace - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Truth, grace and law - our ears and hearts have become jaded to the full intent and meaning of the Spirit of God.

  31. Truth and Presumption - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Recognizing the awesome and transcendent power of God is as essential as is discerning the dangerously lethal deceptions which the enemy has arrayed against us, especially those schemes concealed within music and popular songs.

  32. Turning Slaves Into Warriors - Neil Girrard If we are to be completely free of the “church” paradigm, we must recognize how deep the slave mentality has been inserted into our thinking.

  33. Two Kinds of Christians - Neil Girrard T. Austin Sparks identified two different kinds of Christians – which kind are we?

  34. Two Lies - Neil Girrard Differences between the New Testament and our practice of following Christ are not as unimportant as some think.

  35. Two Life-Pictures - Neil Girrard Two modern-day parables that point to other ways of doing things (other than the vain religious repetitions of the traditions of men to which most of us have been exposed) that might help us to better understand what the Lord is asking of us.

  36. Two or Three - Neil Girrard There are multiple layers of deception around the modern practice of “meeting.” Are we willing to face this?

  37. Two Questions - Neil Girrard Two questions we really need to ask ourselves – and God!

  38. The Two Step Gospel - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ picture of the wide and narrow gates and paths provides us with insight into what is perhaps the devil’s most pernicious deception, a deception which comes directly from the doctrines of eternal salvation.

  39. The Tyranny of Gifts - Neil Girrard When Adam was first confronted with his sin, he set the standard for passing the buck which has been passed down through generations and is still quite visible today.
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  1. Unanimity - Neil Girrard God has been waiting for and working His people toward finally being content to sit back and stop trying to build anything for God.

  2. Unity Is Not Optional - Neil Girrard The words used in the New Testament that speak of the unity of the body of Christ are infrequent and precise – and they are a necessity.

  3. The Unity of the Spirit - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Only when He is our King, indeed our all – first individually and then corporately – can we ever hope to experience what Paul called “the unanimity of the Spirit of God.”

  4. The Untrustworthy Bible - Neil Girrard Why would anyone ever want to read a book that can be used to “prove” anything and everything (and ultimately, therefore, nothing) that anyone would want to “prove” from it?
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  1. Vessels of Honor and Glory - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) For various reasons, men reject even the notion that man is, at his “bottom line,” only a clay pot.

  2. Vicarious Love - Neil Girrard A look at God’s intention that our love for the needy should be personal.

  3. A Vision and Confirming Insights - Jim Johnson/Neil Girrard This vision given to Jim Johnson by the Lord is extremely timely for the Body of Christ to hear. Neil Girrard adds confirming insights to Jim Johnson's vision for any who want more Scriptures to consider in light of his vision.

  4. The Voice of God - Neil Girrard Hearing the voice of God has more to do with following Christ than most seem to realize.

  5. The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness - Neil Girrard The message and backdrop of John the Baptist holds much more relevance for us than we might think.

  6. The Voice of Strangers - Neil Girrard The primary element that makes one’s voice that of a stranger is the very subtle strain of presuming oneself better or superior over others and most teachers who possess this strain either deny or justify it!

  7. Voices - Neil Girrard There are literally thousands of Christian writers pumping out new books, each year, with their own individual visions of the future, of the present and even of the past. What does this tell us?
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  1. Walking With God; Through the Fire - David L. Williams This small booklet is a powerhouse and wealth of insight into spiritual warfare, “church” malfunctions and the deepening of our spiritual walk with God. A must read - and one to reread often! - for all who wish to go further on with and deeper into the Lord. Also available as a downloadable Word file which the author requests that you forward by email to anyone the Lord would have you do so. Walking With God; Through the Fire (Downloadable version)

  2. War and Responsibility - Neil Girrard The responsibilities of those who are at war.

  3. A Warped Perspective - Neil Girrard A comic strip encounter leads to seeing our culture as it is.

  4. Wealth: Blessing, Curse or Test? - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at whether wealth is a blessing, a curse or simply a test from God.

  5. What About Those Lost Millions? - Neil Girrard Exposing some of the fallacies which keep people from coming to Christ.

  6. What Did You Go Out To See? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those who have exited the “church” and entered into some form of the “wilderness” experience need to reconsider this question.

  7. What Do You Seek? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Most people who are confronted with this question at least know that they want, even need, an answer in life. But where do we look?

  8. What Does it Mean to be the Body of Christ? - Jo Alaine Yancey One sister’s insights and answers to this very important question.

  9. What God Is Really Saying Now - Neil Girrard What are God’s priorities for His remnant today?

  10. What the Apostolic Ministry IS NOT! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The truth about apostles and their work challenges what many believe – and practice!

  11. What’s In a Title? - Neil Girrard What’s in a title? More than most bargain for.

  12. What’s Wrong With “Church”? - Neil Girrard A broad question indeed - but a special focus on how to meet brings specific answers.

  13. Where Did the Prophets Go? - A Review - Neil Girrard The author of this book asks a good question but his answers fall far short of the full counsel of God.

  14. Where Do You Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This seemingly innocent question covers a whole lot of territory.

  15. Where Should I Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This important - but ignorant - question deserves to be answered.

  16. Who Do You Say That I AM? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Asking the right question – and even giving the “right answer” – does not mean we have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  17. Who Is My Neighbor? - Neil Girrard Jesus’ story of “the good Samaritan” has more to do with life today than many people realize.

  18. Whose Kingdom Is It Anyway? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Perhaps the most accurate, over-arching view of the intricate workings of the kingdom of God ever given to men was that given to Ezekiel.

  19. Whose Slave Are You? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) It is an inescapable fact that we are the slave of whomever we choose to obey – and our only two choices are sin or God.

  20. Whose Will Do We Follow? - Neil Girrard With the New Testament’s many clear instructions, how do we justify the normal (average, usual) “Christian’s” exclusion of God from so much of the life they live?

  21. Why “Church”? - Neil Girrard Only a few are able to spiritually grasp the truth that the “church” is Satan’s ace card in his war against God’s plan to have a family, let alone ponder why he chose this particular strategy.

  22. Why Do We Meet - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The modern “church” is so confused that few, if any, seem to remember or even know what the mission of the genuine ekklesia is.

  23. Why Not One? - Neil Girrard Why has Christ’s High Priestly prayer that we would all be “one” remained unanswered?

  24. Why Now? - Neil Girrard Why is God revealing the differences between “church” and ekklesia now?

  25. Why Should I Care - Neil Girrard If the world is going to hell in a handbasket, why should I care?

  26. Why We Gather - Neil Girrard Why we first went to “church” is as important a question to answer as is why we left it.

  27. The Wiles of the Devil - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any soldier intending to survive the day’s battle needs to know what weapons his enemy is using and how to counter those weapons.

  28. The Will of God - Neil Girrard Total surrender to God is not optional - especially in understanding the truths of the Bible.

  29. Wolves: How to Spot a False Shepherd - Neil Girrard Wolves and hirelings are much more prevalent than most imagine - just visit the local “church” or turn on your TV!

  30. The Word of Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Jesus’ answer to the devil’s temptation to satisfy His hunger by turning rocks into bread after having fasted for forty days holds many things we would do well to consider.

  31. The Work of the Wilderness - Neil Girrard If God is leading us, why are we still in the wilderness?

  32. The Worst Enemy - Neil Girrard Why the institutional “church” is the worst enemy of the body of Christ.

  33. WWJD?: What Would Jesus Do? - Neil Girrard “What Would Jesus Do?” is big business. But is it Christ? A look at the local media's surprisingly discerning treatment of current “church” trends.
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  1. Your God Is Too Small: A Review - Neil Girrard J.B. Phillips’ book, Your God Is Too Small, is an excellent, well thought-out description of the various false gods and pseudo-“Gods” worshiped (or at least nominally followed) at most “churches” and a rational perspective of Christ and God that will well serve any genuine follower of Christ in these days of apostasy and rampant deception.
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