On the Basis of Scripture

Neil Girrard

Scriptures Referenced in This Article:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Acts 7:48-50 π 1 Cor. 14:26 π Eph. 4:11-13 π Eph. 5:19 π 2 Ths. 2:3 π 1 Pet. 2:25

One of the most astounding facets of modern “church” life is the tenacity with which “church” goers cling to activities, teachings and practices which have absolutely no basis in Scripture. Were this just another listing of the aberrant cults with their twisting of Scriptures to their own destruction, it would be no surprise. The astonishing fact is that much of what we do when we are “in church” has no basis in Scripture. Let me give you a list of some of the more apparent ones.

And the list could go on. But I think the point has been made.

And yet if you confront the average “church”-goer with these truths, you will most likely encounter stiffer denial than what comes from the worst alcoholic or drug addict. Though these people are often completely ignorant about these facts (often willfully so), they continue to insist that their “pastor” is a “ great man of God” and their “church” is a “wonderful work of God.”

Such people are clearly under the spiritual control of what can only be called the “church spirit” or “religious spirit.” If their minds were not clouded over by a veil of deception, they could easily trot down to their local library or get on the internet and confirm most, if not all, of these observations in one trip. But because they have decided that comfort and convenience is more important than knowing what the Scriptures really say and, more importantly, more important than obeying the Scriptures, they have been given over to this deceiving spirit.

It is truly a sad thing to behold - this great falling away of the “church.” And the people need never leave the comfort of their building nor forsake the reassuring fables their “pastor” tells them in order to be full-fledged members of the great apostasy that comes right before the Day of Christ. ( 2 Ths. 2:3; top )

The comforting aspect of all this, albeit somewhat selfishly so, is that as the “church” ceases to be the ekklesia but takes on more and more of the characteristics of the world, that system which opposes God and obeys the whims of self and Satan, the return of Christ is that much closer.

But if you find yourself ensnared in one of these man-made abominations, don’t just take my word for any of this. Study the Scriptures to see if these things be so. Check out the church history books. Cry out to God for enlightenment and revelation. If we, being evil humans, give good gifts to our children, how much more so will God our Father send His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth who guides into all truth, to us when we earnestly and sincerely call out to Him. And then do what He directs you to do lest you compromise and deceive your own soul.

I am not here to advocate abandoning the monolithic man-made abominations, though I am confident that the Holy Spirit will indeed lead most who will listen to Him to leave them behind. I am only here to point you to the Scriptures. For if you claim to be a Christian, you need to know whether or not you are actually living your lives on the basis of what the Scriptures really say or if you are merely being deceived by some man-made tradition. The soul on the line is your own. Do with it as you think best.

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