
Watchman Nee π Keith Green π A.W. Tozer π Jesse Penn-Lewis π W.W. Fischer π David Williams π Darryl Samuels π Neil Girrard π and many others.
Watchman Nee

The great Chinese writer and preacher Watchman Nee was for many in the West a symbol of Christian steadfastness under the pressure of totalitarian government. From the day in 1920 when, as a college student, he found the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior during the visit of a Chinese evangelist to his native city of Foochow, Nee To-sheng gave himself without reserve to God for work among his own people. Over the years he became widely known in China as a gifted preacher of the Gospel and an original expositor of the Word, whose ministry bore remarkable fruit in individuals and in many groups of spiritually virile Christians.

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Keith Green

From time to time, God raises up determined voices in our generations, voices that challenge us to examine our hearts, asking us if what we believe in our minds is actually being lived out in our lives. Keith Green was one of those voices. He was strong, persistent, hard to ignore. He spoke the truth that was needed when he was alive and, perhaps like never before, we need to hear now. In the seven brief years Keith knew Jesus, he trumpeted a wake-up call to Christians everywhere: “It’s time to quit playing church and start being the Church.”

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A.W. Tozer

“A 20th-century prophet” they called him even in his lifetime. For 31 years he was pastor of Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, where his reputation as a man of God was citywide. Concurrently he became editor of Alliance Life, a responsibility he fulfilled until his death in 1963. His greatest legacy to the Christian world has been his 30 books. Because A.W. Tozer lived in the presence of God he saw clearly and he spoke as a prophet to the church. He sought for God’s honor with the zeal of Elijah and mourned with Jeremiah at the apostasy of God’s people. But he was not a prophet of despair. His writings are messages of concern. They expose the weaknesses of the church and denounce compromise. They warn and exhort. But they are messages of hope as well, for God is always there, ever faithful to restore and to fulfill His Word to those who hear and obey.

Tozer left a vast treasure of spiritual wealth to read, digest and put into practice. The excerpts posted are only a taste of what is to be found in the whole of his work.

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Jesse Penn-Lewis
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W.W. Fischer
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David Williams
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Darryl Samuels
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Neil Girrard

Originally from Ohio, I was first introduced to Jesus at age 11 but did not really start to walk with Him until I was 25. Since that time (with the exception of a few years off for bad behavior), I have studied His Word intensely, committing myself to find Him and follow after Him no matter what the cost. The long strange trip of my life has proven costly in many ways, but the treasure in Christ which I have gained is not worth comparing to the light and momentary afflictions which have been the milestones on my spiritual journey.

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Jim Baumgaertel π Steve Camp π Amy Carmichael π Jim Casey π Jim Corbett π Bob Hughey (Jim Nesbitt) π Leonard Ravenhill π A.B. Simpson π Frank Viola π Kenneth Wuest
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