Many people who are trapped within “churches” and/or other cultic/fringe religious groups have most often embraced some pseudo-Scriptural concept that is, in reality, some twisted, distorted misconception of what the Bible – when rendered in the whole counsel of God – has to say about the matter. The following short treatments of various verses attempts to show how the various deceptions which rely on that particular verse have failed to rightly divide the word of truth while explaining the verse in a more proper light.
All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser.
Everyone would love to be loved by a father-figure. Unfortunately, some have taken advantage of this common urge within the human heart and coupled it with a teaching that says everyone who follows Christ is to have a “spiritual father.” Unfortunately, those who take some man (or woman in some places where these false doctrines are taught!) to be their “spiritual father” rejects God as their true spiritual Father.
- Spiritual Fathers – 1 Corinthians 4:15 - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) From a very scant Scriptural base, a whole system of teaching has evolved that concocts a “one size fits all” false doctrine that results in tyranny, oppression, persecution, exclusion, favoritism and a host of other evils.
- Peter’s Two Fathers: Jonah and John – Matthew 16:17 - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “spiritual fathering” movement, a regurgitation of the “personal pastor” errors, relies on “specially understood” concepts like this.
- Call No Man Father – Matthew 23:9 - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Christ’s clear command is not enough for the “spiritual fathering” movement.
- My Son, My Son – 1 Timothy 1:2 - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “spiritual fathering” teachers, from Paul and Peter calling Timothy, Titus, Onesimus and Mark their “sons,” have concocted a teaching that says that all men must have a “spiritual father” and any one who does not have one is an orphan who is destitute of any real place in the order and family of God. Is this the truth?
- The Orphan Spirit - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those who refuse to submit themselves under a “spiritual father” are now accused of and condemned for having an “orphan spirit.” What’s the basis of that?
- Abuse Under a Spiritual Father; Jim, a brother in Christ - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One man’s experiences in the Apostles and Prophets movement.
- I Will Be Your Father - Darryl Samuels - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God is by nature a Father and He wants a family but there are many deceptions that are designed to get us to forsake Him as our only true Father.
- Christ In - Set Man Out! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Is the “set man” principle still applicable to New Covenant believers today? This article may challenge some of our sincerest beliefs.
- First Fruits, Tithes and Offerings - Darryl Samuels - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A brother confronted with erroneous and false teachings about tithes and offerings, especially the “first fruits,” shares the results of his decision to research the Bible for himself.
- Old Covenant Vs. New Covenant (Set Man Vs. Jesus Christ) - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “set man” of the Old Covenant is no longer applicable to today’s New Testament sincere believers in Christ.
- What the Apostolic Ministry IS NOT! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The truth about apostles and their work challenges what many believe – and practice!
There may be no more deceptive error currently sweeping people away from the truth and divine grace of God than what can only be rightly called hyper-grace. As amazing and wonderful and profound and powerful as God’s grace is, when “grace” is allowed to be a license for sin or lawlessness (what is right in one’s own eyes), grace is cheapened and the gospel is made of no effect.
- Grace and Truth – John 1:17 The devil holds no tenet of the faith as sacred and he will distort any and every doctrine of the gospel if it will gain him any advantage over even one single believer – even the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Established in the Truth – 2 Peter 1:12 Deceived adherents to the twisted doctrine of “grace” think they’re working to be established in the truth – instead they are only being established by the demonic in their error. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- A Doctrine of Grace - Even the teaching of grace is distorted in these last days of deception and lawlessness. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Grace and Pride – There may have been no greater disservice to the truth about grace than to render “grace” (Greek, charis) as only “God’s unmerited favor.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Gospel of Grace - Joseph Prince’s book, Destined to Reign, is an astonishing compilation of errors and false teachings. This article attempts to tackle chapter 3, “Controversies Surrounding the Gospel of Grace.” - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Salvation by Grace - How It Works - A modern-day parable about being truly saved. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Truth and Grace - Truth, grace and law - our ears and hearts have become jaded to the full intent and meaning of the Spirit of God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Whose Slave Are You? - Neil Girrard It is an inescapable fact that we are the slave of whomever we choose to obey – and our only two choices are sin or God. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- The Law of God - We may not be able to exhaust every possible answer to the question of why God instituted the system of blood sacrifices and offerings we find in the Old Testament, but the mains ones we do find in the Bible provide strong encouragement, great comfort and dire warning! - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- Buy From Me - Neil Girrard Jesus commanded the Laodiceans to buy something from Him. What was it and why is it important? - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
- The Mighty Antithesis: Sin and Grace - Neil Girrard A.W. Tozer encountered hyper-grace in the 1950s and demonstrated that any discussion of sin and grace is going to cover ground at least touched upon by the conflict between Pelagius and Augustine in the 5th century. - ( in Adobe/pdf format )
Even the government is not above using a Bible verse or two to its own advantage when Christians stand between it and its goal of “law and order.”
- Bring Out Your Guns! – Romans 13:1 The government has enlisted clergy to act as “clergy response teams” in times of emergency and martial law and their chief text in hand is Romans 13:1. Beware!
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God bless you.