Subjects Index:

“Church” or Ekklesia

It is better to be led than to be fed. He who feeds you a meal fills you for a moment, but he who leads you to green pastures where you can feed yourself gives you your life.

These essays, writings and excerpts are about the “church” and the ekklesia. They are a timely message to everyone who is seeing the shallowness, the error and the insanity of “church” life and who want to know the truth about being the body of Christ, the ekklesia.

All articles are formatted as simply as possible and should print directly from your web browser.

  1. Against the Night; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Colson); Neil Girrard Chuck Colson’s excellent spiritual and political analysis of a decade ago are marred by his own presupposed paradigms.

  2. Almost There: The “Church” Paradigm (a la Wilkerson) - Neil Girrard A comparison of messages from David Wilkerson and Watchman Nee reveals some important truths for the body of Christ today.

  3. 7. Among the Workers; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee The apostolic companies were not formed along partisan or doctrinal lines but were formed under the sovereignty of the Spirit.

  4. The Anointed of God; Bible Bullet: Matthew 24:5 - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Was Jesus really a false prophet or is the usual translation of this verse in error?

  5. Answers to Questions About Churchianity vs. the Church - Jim Baumgaertel/Neil Girrard Jim Baumgaertel asks all the right questions and Neil Girrard gives the answers which God has revealed to him.

  6. Apostasy or Rapture - Neil Girrard Where do these words come from? And which comes first? Why is it important?

  7. 1. The Apostles; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee God has chosen to work through His servants. Among the servants of God the apostles are the most important ones.

  8. 13. Artificial Divisions Are Harmful; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard To support the idea that the clergy/laity distinctions have “grown out of a partial truth,” Tozer uses words that are heavily infested with religious definitions that are not necessarily found in the New Testament.

  9. Ask Not What God Can Do For You - Neil Girrard A closer look at our incessant preoccupation with “ministry.”

  10. The Assembly - Neil Girrard More insights from the New Testament about the difference between the “church” and the ekklesia.

  11. The Aura of Infallibility Bible Bullet: Galatians 2:20 - Neil Girrard The most subtle snare is laid for the man who would teach others the things of God. What is it?

  12. Babylonian Captivity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The “pastor” in the pulpit on a platform paradigm is the heart and soul of the deceptions that keep the “church” in its Babylonian captivity.

  13. 5. The Basis of Union and Division; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee We know now what the church is. It consists of all the saved ones in a given locality.

  14. Betrayal - Neil Girrard Jesus promises that so-called followers of His will betray and hate those who are His genuine followers. Are we ready for this?

  15. Blind Leaders, Blind Followers Bible Bullet: Matthew 15:14 - Neil Girrard Blind followers and blind leaders are both trapped in a sick, symbiotic relationship.

  16. The Book - Neil Girrard A look at what the Bible is - and is not - for.

  17. A Burning Fire Bible Bullet: Jeremiah 20:9 - Neil Girrard The “church’s” “gospel” has little or no fire – but the word of the Lord does. Why the difference?

  18. But I Met God There - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The fact that God has met many a soul within the walls of a “church” building should not be a source of confusion as to who the real architect of the “church” is.

  19. But the Building Is Just a Tool - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) A Scriptural look at the deceptive practice of “church” buildings.

  20. By What Insanity Bible Bullet: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 - Neil Girrard We prefer to think of the demonic as raw and pure evil that we could not possibly have any desire to interact with - but instead their “touch” is more often an invisible, unfelt, unseen, but pleasantly more-than-welcome deception.

  21. Call for Repentance and Reformation - Steve Camp An uncompromising challenge to the contemporary Christian music industry. May God grant all who read these ears to hear what God is saying to His body.

  22. The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous.

  23. Casting Out the Spirit of Human Potential; A Warning to Leadership: Let Christ be Preeminent in His Church - Anonymous This simple pamphlet written anonymously some time ago contains a powerful word of the Lord for those who would truly be His people, His body.

  24. Catch 22: The American “Church’s” Dilemmas - Neil Girrard A penetrating look at the numerous self-imposed dilemmas which keep the “church” from being the body of Christ.

  25. 2. The Christian and Psychic Force; The Latent Power of the Soul - Watchman Nee Unless we know the danger of latent psychic power to a Christian we will not know how to guard against it.

  26. 4. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 1; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard What would a unified ekklesia look like?

  27. 5. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard We now return to the floor-tilting quotes we laid on the table in the previous section.

  28. 6. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 3; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison unleashes, to the best of his ability (and for his time and season – 1951!), his imagination toward what a unified ekklesia would look and be like.

  29. Church; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer What is the paramount thing a church group should be accomplishing in their fellowship?

  30. Church Home - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Modern Christianity tells us we need a “church home.” What is a “church home”? Do we really need one?

  31. 4. The Churches Founded by the Apostles; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee The word most often translated “church” (at least, in the original Greek) means “the called out ones” and refers to any assembly of called-out saints, whether local or eternal.

  32. A Clever Scheme - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Getting us to go to “church” is perhaps the most clever way the devil has yet concocted to keep us from assembling together.

  33. Come Out - Neil Girrard God stills calls us to come out from among those who falsely call upon His name.

  34. Common Usage - Neil Girrard Sometimes it benefits us to read a familiar passage in the Greek because we, without ever realizing it, have often experienced a subtle shift in meaning simply because the New Testament we read is in English.

  35. 10. Conclusions; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Clayton Morrison’s book is probably best read for the conversation it leads into.

  36. Conferring with Flesh and Blood; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer The few totally “dead to the flesh” Christians with Godly wisdom have too often been bypassed by religious authorities who decided to consult with Christian sources that appealed to the flesh and blood’s lust for recognition and worldly acclaim and human wisdom. God be merciful.

  37. Confirmation, Not Revelation Bible Bullet: 1 John 2:27 - Neil Girrard In spite of what many “pastors” and “theologians” and Bible “scholars” tell you, you do not constantly need anyone to constantly teach you.

  38. 2. The Consciousness of the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee We will continue further than the previous chapter so that we may understand what the consciousness of the body of Christ exactly is.

  39. Conversion of a Pastor; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer An elderly lady’s (the live-in house lady of a home for unwed mothers, many of whom had come from the promiscuousness of the Pastor’s flock) prayers start operating rather profoundly, as the Pastor has not just an ordinary dream, but a revelation of the God of the universe.

  40. The Corinthian Error; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer These Corinthian Charismatics wanted the riches, blessings and places of honor – Paul’s life was an embarrassment to them.

  41. Counting Heads - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One of the most obvious features of any particular “church” can be used to easily and immediately assess its character and quality and this requires no spiritual discernment whatsoever – so why isn’t this method used more often?

  42. 7. The Covering, Restraint, and Supply of the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee In this chapter we shall look into a few more matters related to the body of Christ.

  43. Critical Blockage - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul told us what the manifold grace (mercy and power) of God would do – why don’t we see it in our corporate assemblies?

  44. Death in the Living Room: It’s Not Just in the “Church” Anymore - Neil Girrard We certainly cannot change the whole of churchianity - by what means can we know whether the group we are attending or gathering with is truly administering life or administering death?

  45. The Deceitfulness of Wealth Bible Bullet: Matthew 13:22 - Neil Girrard God has always demanded that those who would be His must bear fruit, that is, bring forth things of benefit and supply for the kingdom of God.

  46. Denying the Master - Neil Girrard Based on Jude’s and Peter’s prophecies, many people expect the end time apostates to be those who simply deny Christ’s transcendency and deity – but this is a complete misunderstanding of what the apostles said.

  47. The Desire To See - Neil Girrard Among those who have heard and obeyed God’s call to “Come out” of organized, institutional apostate churchianity, there remains a strong desire to more clearly see the ekklesia, God’s people, come together and interact in loving service to one another and to know that we are doing our part in Christ’s body.

  48. Destructive Divisions Bible Bullet: 2 Peter 2:1 - Neil Girrard Peter prophesied that there would be “secret destructive heresies” in the end times. Just what does that mean?

  49. A Different Jesus - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Every sect (denomination) and religious social club (“church”) has its own “Jesus.” How can this be?

  50. A Division of Labor - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In the work of God, there is a division of labor that has lain unseen for centuries, even millennia. What is it?

  51. Done With “Church” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Another significant segment of people are again abandoning the “church” – and this group has been labeled as “dones” and “called outs.”

  52. 2. The Ecumenical Awakening - Part 1; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard The ecumenical movement, particularly in some of its earlier moments, was built on noble aspirations and motives.

  53. 3. The Ecumenical Awakening - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard If we can understand the reason the Reformers failed to enter into the unity of the Spirit of God, perhaps we can come to grips with why we, as Christ’s followers today, are still failing to enter into that unity.

  54. Ekkaleo - Ekkletoi - Ekklesia - Neil Girrard Becoming the ekklesia is a process - not an automatic guarantee just because we claim to be “a Christian.”

  55. Ekklesia - A Word Study - Neil Girrard Reading the Scriptures with the word “church” in them has done centuries of damage to the body of Christ. A simple reading of these Scriptures with the Greek word “ekklesia” re-inserted can be a real eye-opener.

  56. 3. The Elders Appointed by the Apostles; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee When the apostles themselves could not remain with the new believers to shepherd them and to bear the responsibility of the work locally, how then were the new converts cared for, and how was the work carried on?

  57. The Emperor’s New Church, The Open Church - Gene Edwards and James Rutz Most of what you do today as a participant in the church was set in concrete during two short periods of history, neither of them in the New Testament period.

  58. Enemies of the Cross Bible Bullet: Philippians 3:18-19 - Neil Girrard The cross of Christ is that implement of death whereby we forsake all and instead seek to find the will of God for our life no matter what the cost or consequence.

  59. 9. The Era of an Absentee God; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard One advantage gained from thinking of God as being absent is that we may assume that He is pleased with whatever we may be trying to do, as long as it is not downright wicked. There would seem to be no other way to account for the vast amount of religious nonsense being carried on these days in the name of the Lord.

  60. Fables - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul warned us that the time would come when believers would be turned aside to fables. What did he have in mind?

  61. A False Dichotomy - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Our notions of “ministry” suffer from layers of added meanings that change our understanding of what the New Testament really says.

  62. Finish the Reformation! - Neil Girrard Finishing the Reformation truly and simply means that we must all press on to the maturity that is found only in Christ.

  63. Followers After Themselves Bible Bullet: Acts 20:30 - Neil Girrard Our spiritual ignorance, as well as our ignorance of church history, causes us to fail to see how precisely this prophetic statement was – and still is being - fulfilled.

  64. Foreword; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard This series examines Charles Clayton Morrison’s book to glean its excellent insights into one of the “church’s” most ongoing sins – denominationalism.

  65. From Our Father’s Heart; A White Stone - Jim Corbett Prophetic words given to Jim Corbett as excerpted from his wonderful book, A White Stone

  66. FUBAR: Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition - Neil Girrard D-Day and Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, provide illuminating lessons from history.

  67. 5. The Function and Harmony of the Members; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee There is no one having the life of God who is not a member of the body of Christ, and no member is so small as to have no function of his own.

  68. A Game of Words - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Words are the transportation device of the enemy of our souls and most Christians don’t know how successful he’s been at robbing us of our heritage in Christ.

  69. The Gift of Prophetic Insight - A.W. Tozer Excerpted from his book Of God and Men, is a great introduction to what a prophet should be.

  70. God? - Neil Girrard What do we say to the growing number of people who no longer want anything to do with God because of their past “church” experiences?

  71. God’s Fuhrer - Neil Girrard The hierarchy of the “church” (and its leftover remains among those who have left the “church”) makes the “servants of God” resemble a fuhrer. How can this be?

  72. God’s Order - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Anyone who speaks against the “church” is only promoting disorder and may be summarily dismissed as speaking only from the devil and the demonic – right?

  73. Hey Laodicea - Neil Girrard What Jesus said to the ekklesia of Laodicea is much more relevant today than most imagine.

  74. Hidden “Pastor”-isms or, Once a “Pastor,” Always a “Pastor”? - Neil Girrard When a “pastor” exits the “church,” it will be very easy for him to underestimate how difficult it will be for him to be a real person again after having been a “pastor.”

  75. Hijacked! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) We do not normally associate the term “hijacked” with the New Testament yet this is precisely what has happened and is happening.

  76. History Revisited - Neil Girrard Yet again, those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

  77. 3. Hold Fast the Head; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee God has given the total Christ to us and has joined us intimately with His Son. All the power of our existence rests in Christ.

  78. How “Eld” Must an Elder Be? - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the role of elders in the local assembly.

  79. How Far Is Too Far? - Neil Girrard The needs of the ones are more immediate than the needs of the 99. But how far should we go in rescuing these ones?

  80. How to Be a Local Ekklesia: or, Where the House “Church” Movement Failed - Neil Girrard The house “church” failed to attain to the three core elements of true ekklesia and has, for the most part, already devolved into yet another hardened wineskin.

  81. How We Gather Bible Bullet: Matthew 18:20 - Neil Girrard More is better is an axiom to some. But is it the truth by which we are to gather in following Christ?

  82. Hypocrisy: The Dread Disease of Frustration - Neil Girrard A Scriptural look at the effects of believing one thing and living out another.

  83. 7. The Illusion of Restorationism; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard In this chapter, Morrison exposes his personal bias against “restorationist groups.”

  84. The Importance of Christ - Neil Girrard Christ is the King, the Absolute Monarch, over those who claim to be His – so why isn’t He obeyed?

  85. Important Things - Jim Baumgaertel A short list of powerfully important ideas and issues extremely relevant to living for Christ in this time.

  86. In Search of the Perfect Church - Neil Girrard A Scriptural basis for understanding what the perfect church is.

  87. Introduction; “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard This series examines the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah and how they apply to those who would build the temple of the Holy Spirit in our time.

  88. Introduction; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard A.W. Tozer, an otherwise excellent, Scriturally-based and spiritual writer, still blindly held to the “church” paradigm that keeps people from being everything Christ intends them to be.

  89. Introduction; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee In the Divine pattern, nothing is left for man to decide. God Himself has provided the best wineskin for His wine.

  90. 1. Introduction; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Charles Clayton Morrison’s excellent analysis is offset by some presupposed flaws – but the truth is there for those who have eyes to see.

  91. It Doesn’t Take a Genius - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If it doesn’t take a genius to make the world a better place, what will it take?

  92. Joy For All? - Neil Girrard Joy is a much desired commodity in the “church” these days - but is it really the good thing we all think it is?

  93. Jude’s Dilemma - Neil Girrard The pending spiritual danger made Jude set aside his warm, glowing sentiments regarding salvation and write a fiery letter of warning.

  94. King James Only - Neil Girrard Some groups insist on reading the King James Bible only – what is that all about?

  95. 1. The Latent Power of the Soul; The Latent Power of the Soul - Watchman Nee A message concerning spiritual warfare and its relation to the end of this age.

  96. Lawlessness That Abounds Bible Bullet: Matthew 24:12 - Neil Girrard The simple mistranslation of one Greek word may be responsible for much misunderstanding of our responsibilities before God.

  97. Leadership’s Prime Directive Bible Bullet: John 3:30 - Neil Girrard True leaders in the body of Christ must know that He – and not themselves – are the destination to which all must travel.

  98. Leaving “Church” Behind; To Follow Jesus in Spirit and TruthNeil Girrard (also on Paidion Books Home Page) If you're seeing discrepancies and differences between the New Testament and “church” - and not just your “church” but “church” practices in general - you are not alone by any means.

  99. The Lie Called RevivalNeil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) “Revivals” are popular at many “churches” and everyone seems to think everyone needs “revived” – but what is the truth?

  100. 1. Life and Consciousness; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee Although we cannot take hold of such divine life and show it to ourselves or to other people, we nonetheless know we have this new life because there is within us an altogether new consciousness.

  101. The Local Church in the Time of Apostasy - Neil Girrard An examination of how Watchman Nee’s teachings in The Normal Christian Church Life, chapter 5, are to be viewed in the context of today’s ultra-denominationalism.

  102. The Lone Ranger Christian Bible Bullet: Proverbs 18:1 - Neil Girrard “Lone ranger Christians” are different from what the “church” labels as such – and they are more prevalent than most realize.

  103. The Lost Power of Words - Neil Girrard The changing vocabulary of the body of Christ is not just passing fads and changing trends - it is a cause for alarm.

  104. 9. Loyalty and Freedom in a United Church; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison was a man of depth - but he also demonstrated a spiritual schizophrenia.

  105. Luther Quit Too Soon, The Open Church - Gene Edwards, James Rutz The Reformation was made possible by one man - the credit goes to Frederick the Wise, without whom Dr. Luther would have been turned into a little pile of carbon by age 34, if not earlier.

  106. Many Deceptions and The Lie - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How do we reconcile the difference between the many New Testament prophecies that speak of a plurality, even a multiplicity, of deceptions with Paul’s reference to a single lie that carries severe, eternal consequences for those who come under its power?

  107. Meeting - Neil Girrard We’ve spotted the “church” building, the “pastor” and even the “liturgy” – but what about our “meetings”?

  108. The Missing Piece of the Puzzle - Neil Girrard Jesus told us, if we have ears to hear, that we would need a “new” way to view ourselves in the end times.

  109. Missionaries - Neil Girrard “Missionary” is not a word used in the New Testament. So why are we so insistent on sending out missionaries?

  110. The Most Dangerous Man in the Assembly - Neil Girrard The most dangerous man in the assembly is the least likely suspect – he’s very likely to be the one who has the most Bible knowledge!

  111. The Mother of Abominations - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) “Mystery Babylon” encompasses more than most people realize.

  112. The Necessity of Finding Fault - Neil Girrard Finding fault is not the sin some think it to be - it is an essential requirement of a godly life.

  113. The Net - Neil Girrard To be fishers of men we need fishing equipment.

  114. No Good Thing - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) It is a great day in the Lord when we finally learn there is no good thing in our flesh – but what will it take for us to learn that there is no good thing in the “church”?

  115. No Lie Is of the Truth - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Every lie we discover embedded in our thinking can and even must be discarded.

  116. Nothing New - Neil Girrard A look at how the devil’s strategies to entrap the body of Christ really haven’t changed over the centuries.

  117. 6. Obeying the Law of the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee If we wish to live the life of the body of Christ, we must first receive the revelation of the body of Christ.

  118. Old Wine Bible Bullet: Luke 5:37-39 - Neil Girrard Every “new wineskin” denomination that has sprung forth seems completely incapable of recognizing that they too can rather quickly become an “old wineskin” – just like the “old wineskin” they broke away from!

  119. On the Basis of Scripture - Neil Girrard A brief look at the many “church” notions and practices which have no place in Scripture.

  120. One Big Circle - Neil Girrard A look at the similar histories of Jesus, Stephen and the bride of Christ.

  121. Open Letter to Pastors What will Jesus have to say to “pastors” on judgment day? “Well done” or “Depart from Me”? Most people blindly consider this to be a stupid question. Could they be wrong?

  122. Ordination - Neil Girrard Ordination, the raising up of new leaders, is a highly vaunted practice in the “church.” But is it Scriptural? What do the Scriptures really say about “ordaining someone to the ministry”?

  123. 1. Organization: Necessary and Dangerous (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer, as is true of every proponent of the “church” paradigm, is quite capable of expressing contradictory opinions without ever realizing the statements are contradictory.

  124. 3. Organization: Necessary and Dangerous (Part 2); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Parasitical organizations attached to the work of God is precisely what Jesus predicted.

  125. 11. Organization: Necessary and Dangerous (Part 3); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer gives a classic example of the slippery slope method of reaching false conclusions, an error he does not often make.

  126. 9. The Organization of Local Churches; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee What is considered as essential to a church nowadays was considered totally unnecessary in the early days of the Church's history.

  127. Origins - Neil Girrard The history of the Jehovah’s Witnesses offers us an enlightening glimpse into the danger of allowing any move of God to degenerate into a denominational institution.

  128. Out of “Church” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Coming out of “church” is a lot more than just leaving the building and no longer sitting at the feet of the “man of God” behind his pulpit.

  129. Outside the Box - Neil Girrard In one short quote, J.B. Phillips put his finger squarely on the problems of modern churchianity.

  130. The Paradigm Shift - Neil Girrard A response to some of Steve Camp’s 107 Theses addressing the issues of what it really means to be the church.

  131. Pastor, Bishop or Nicolaitan Overlord? - Neil Girrard Is the “pastor” a real New Testament office or a 1st century religious construct?

  132. Pastors - Neil Girrard What is a pastor? Why is the “pastor” so central to “church”?

  133. Paths of Righteousness - Neil Girrard Quotes from Philip Keller, an experienced shepherd, provide an excellent view into the role of sheep and shepherds.

  134. The Perfect Church - Neil Girrard All those who subscribe to the “church” paradigm believe they have their hands on the whole counsel of God - yet, it is precisely this blind grip on partial truths that gives the “church” paradigm its lethal power over those who believe in it.

  135. 10. The Perils of the Preacher (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard One of the clearest instances where Tozer saw things as they were but was unable to rightly label what he was seeing.

  136. 12. The Perils of the Preacher (Part 2); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Even in labeling the “pastor” or preacher as “the minister” Tozer is giving evidence that he has unconsciously accepted the “minister” as a superior class of being and we have entered a place that is quite different from the New Testament.

  137. 16. The Perils of the Preacher (Part 3); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Even in saying that Satan doesn’t rest in devising pitfalls for “the ministry,” Tozer betrays the separation in his mind between “the ministry” and the rest of the people.

  138. Play Actors Bible Bullet: Matthew 6:5 - Neil Girrard The hypocrites of this passage are more prevalent than most people assume.

  139. Pleasing Men or God Bible Bullet: 1 Thessalonians 2:4 - Neil Girrard The “church’s” gospel is simply different than the one Paul preached.

  140. The Power of “Church” Deception - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those ensnared in obvious sin are more likely to attain to liberty than those ensnared by “church” deceptions because so few recognize how unScriptural the “church” has become.

  141. The Power of Truth; Ananias and Sapphira - Neil Girrard Ananias and Sapphira provide much needed insights about walking in the light of truth.

  142. 5. Pragmatism Goes to Church; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Even in 1960, Tozer recognized that the “religious majority” within the “churches” would exhibit the same wrath as the Jews exhibited against Jesus and all His followers – and that the “religious majority” were a mixed multitude rejecting the sound doctrine of hearing the Lord and submitting to His rule.

  143. Preaching Christ in a Post-Christian Society - Neil Girrard There may befall the preacher of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ no harder task than to preach His name, His truth, His story to a people who have already heard “all that,” digested “all that,” done “all that,” rejected “all that.”

  144. Preface; The Latent Power of the Soul - Watchman Nee Many well-disposed brethren have thought of the dividing of spirit and soul as merely a dispute over words having no great significance to their own detriment.

  145. Preface; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee This book may test the reader’s sincerity and honesty to no small degree – Watchman Nee believed the Lord had shown him something which is of importance to the whole body of Christ.

  146. Private Interpretations Bible Bullet: 2 Peter 1:20-21 - Neil Girrard Privately interpreting the Scriptures is much more rampant than most people realize.

  147. Prophetic Words Given to Jim Casey For several years the Lord spoke quietly but powerfully. Read these words for your edification.

  148. Purity - Neil Girrard Can we still go to “church” after we know the truth?

  149. 8. The Question of Finance; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee Though the Book of Acts supplies many minute details regarding the work of an apostle, the one subject which from a human standpoint is of paramount importance in the carrying on of any work is not dealt with at all.

  150. “Questions About Churchianity” and “Four Ways Christians Are Deceived” - Jim Baumgaertel A couple of articles by Jim Baumgaertel asking the right questions and finding the right answers.

  151. Real Life, Real Love Bible Bullet: 1 John 3:16 - Neil Girrard Unless we lay our lives down for our brothers and sisters, meetings – even home fellowship – will always devolve into just another form of “church.”

  152. Reform Is Not an Option - Neil Girrard The “church” needs changed but will it submit to what is really needed?

  153. Responding to the Apostasy - Neil Girrard As the great falling away from the faith unfolds all around us, what response should we make?

  154. 14. The Responsibility of Leadership (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer overlooks two details in his underlying premise and misses some obvious points about the Israelite’s rebellions.

  155. 15. The Responsibility of Leadership (Part 2); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Here again Tozer tumbles down a slippery slope – a mistake he does not make often – and lands in a heap at the bottom.

  156. A Rural Exodus - Review - Neil Girrard “Pastors” are exiting the rural Midwest faster than the population – why? And what does it show all of us?

  157. Saints or Sinners - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) What is an individual after a genuine conversion? Why does it matter?

  158. Same Old Story: Montanus vs. Ignatius of Antioch - Neil Girrard “Church” splits are almost as old as church history – and the first one reveals a lot of the errors we still practice today.

  159. Satan’s Scriptural Strategies - Neil Girrard Satan’s strategies to oppose, cripple and even destroy the people of Christ are taken straight from the pages of Scripture.

  160. Second-Hand Milk Bible Bullet: Hebrews 5:13-14 - Neil Girrard God’s plan is for us to be “fed” through regular sermons – or is it?

  161. 2. The Separation and Movements of the Apostles; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee The church in Antioch is the model church shown us in God's Word, because it was the first to come into being after the founding of the churches connected with the Jews and the Gentiles.

  162. Servants of Righteousness Bible Bullet: 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 - Neil Girrard The people who in truth serve Satan will do things that resemble the giftings of the Spirit. Don’t be fooled.

  163. 4. The Service of the Member; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee The body of Christ is not just a teaching. The body of Christ needs to be entered into experientially.

  164. Seven / Twenty-One / Five-Twenty B.C. (Part 1); “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard To build God’s building, requires obedience to the Spirit of God – and His strength.

  165. Seven / Twenty-One / Five-Twenty B.C. (Part 2); “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard God is building a building capable of withstanding the shaking that He will bring forth in the end times.

  166. The Shell Game - Neil Girrard “Church” is so filled with deception and lies. What is the truth?

  167. Shooting the Wounded - Neil Girrard Love practiced and plainly visible (and not just taught or talked about!) is the only way to preach the whole gospel of the kingdom of Christ.

  168. Significant Differences - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) For those who have spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, the differences between the kingdom of God and the “church” are as important as whether one worships God or worships an idol and the false demonic “god” behind it.

  169. Silence - Neil Girrard Why were the apostles and prophets silent when Constantine “Christianized” the Roman empire? Enlightening details from church history.

  170. Simple Safeguards - Neil Girrard There are some simple safeguards that we can implement in regards to whether or not we should be gathering, safeguards that the genuine leaders (the truly more mature members of the body of Christ) should be sounding forth.

  171. Sit at My Feet Bible Bullet: James 2:3-4 Any way that we can be “poor” presents the human heart with a place of opportunity where we can discriminate among ourselves and use evil thoughts to decide which of us are rich (superior) and which of us are poor (inferior).

  172. Sitting at the Master’s Feet - Neil Girrard Mary’s choice to sit at Jesus’ feet gives us a picture of how what is most important in the genuine Christian life.

  173. Six / One / Five-Twenty B.C.; “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard The prophecies of Haggai apply to those who would build the temple of the Holy Spirit in our time much more than we might think.

  174. Six / Twenty-Four / Five-Twenty B.C.; “Building the Temple” - Neil Girrard Obedience to the King, Christ Jesus, is not optional if we are going to co-labor with Him in building His temple, His body, His people.

  175. A Slippery Slope - Neil Girrard Like Francis Schaeffer's How Shall We Then Live?, Frank Viola's wonderful historical analysis in Pagan Christianity is tainted by the short-comings of the last chapter.

  176. Spectator Sport - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) In the face of the many multiplied thousands of “churches” proliferating around the world, the world grows swiftly darker and more evil. Are God’s methods actually ineffective and impotent?

  177. Spectrums: “Church” or Ekklesia - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Any individual, whether the worst kind of evil villain or the best kind of saint or hero, is a combination of both good and bad characteristics – so why are led to believe that an assembly, which is made up of many individuals, must be either merely “good” or “bad” and not some mixture of both?

  178. 3. Spirit Force vs. Psychic Force; The Latent Power of the Soul - Watchman Nee Knowledge of how soul power works - that is, what its operational methods are - will further help us to know what is of God and what is not of God.

  179. Spiritual But Not Religious - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) SBNR is a popular label among “emergent” generations. What does this label really mean?

  180. The Subliminal Message - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The subliminal message is the one that always sticks the longest even (and especially!) when that hidden message is not perceived or understood consciously – so what do we really hear when a man speaks from behind a pulpit?

  181. Summary of the Origins of “Church” Practices; Pagan Christianity (1st ed.) - Frank Viola The major practices of “church” have no place in the Scriptures. So where do they come from?

  182. 8. Surmounting Three Major Obstacles; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison again looks ahead to “a united church,” offering his ideas (compiled in the late 1940s) as to how to overcome what he saw as three major obstacles to “ecumenical unity.”

  183. Tags Come Second - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Some people want to believe that “denominational tags” are permissible and harmless and even irrelevant. Really?

  184. Teachers - Neil Girrard Teachers are a part of the body of Christ - and a prominent part of the apostasy. So which is which?

  185. The Test of Loyalty - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) How God uses the “church” to test the loyalty of those who claim to be His.

  186. 8. Three Cardinal Principles on Living in the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee How, then, can all these members with their various functions be fitly framed and knit together as one body? We must first realize that there are three cardinal principles which are indispensable to our living in the body of Christ.

  187. Through the Looking Glass - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If one looks into either end of binoculars or a telescope, a “looking glass,” one can see many things about the kingdom and the “church.” A surprisingly deep parable.

  188. Thus Says the Lord - Bible Bullet: 1 Peter 4:11 - Neil Girrard Anyone who truly speaks what is on the heart of God should do so with confidence and authority.

  189. To Be or Not To Be - Neil Girrard Amazingly, this is the simple question before each individual who claims to follow Christ in this tumultuous, confused and confusing time the New Testament calls the end of the age.

  190. To See As God Sees - Neil Girrard Jesus wrote seven letters to seven “angels” – who was He writing to?

  191. Told to Go: Or, Riding the Wrong Horse - Neil Girrard Most “Christians” turn a deaf ear to God’s command to “Come out” because it would require leaving the comfort zone of the “church” and comfortable “church” society circles.

  192. Too Deeply - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many Christian leaders today act as if exhortation is offensive and that the philosophy of offending anyone does not come from the Bible.

  193. Translator’s Preface ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee This little volume of collected messages attempts to show us the reality of the body of Christ.

  194. The True Body of Christ - Neil Girrard Just what is the true body of Christ and in what manner does one go about seeking to find those that are like-minded?

  195. True Words - Neil Girrard Modern New Testament prophets - if there really is such a thing – must speak only “edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” Right?

  196. Turning Slaves Into Warriors - Neil Girrard If we are to be completely free of the “church” paradigm, we must recognize how deep the slave mentality has been inserted into our thinking.

  197. Two Lies - Neil Girrard Differences between the New Testament and our practice of following Christ are not as unimportant as some think.

  198. Two Life-Pictures - Neil Girrard Two modern-day parables that point to other ways of doing things (other than the vain religious repetitions of the traditions of men to which most of us have been exposed) that might help us to better understand what the Lord is asking of us.

  199. Two or Three - Neil Girrard There are multiple layers of deception around the modern practice of “meeting.” Are we willing to face this?

  200. Unity Is Not Optional - Neil Girrard The words used in the New Testament that speak of the unity of the body of Christ are infrequent and precise – and they are a necessity.

  201. A Very Large Picture Bible Bullet: Ephesians 3:10-11 - Neil Girrard Just what have the people of Christ demonstrated to the world?

  202. A Vision and Confirming Insights - Jim Johnson/Neil Girrard This vision given to Jim Johnson by the Lord is extremely timely for the Body of Christ to hear. Neil Girrard adds confirming insights to Jim Johnson's vision for any who want more Scriptures to consider in light of his vision.

  203. 2. The Vital Place of the Church; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer’s teachings exposes his own “church” paradigm and opens up the truth for us today.

  204. The Voice of Strangers - Neil Girrard The primary element that makes one’s voice that of a stranger is the very subtle strain of presuming oneself better or superior over others and most teachers who possess this strain either deny or justify it!

  205. War and Responsibility - Neil Girrard The responsibilities of those who are at war.

  206. 4. The Wasp and the Church Member (Part 1); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer asks great questions! But if anyone else were to ask them, the most likely response will be “Oh, he’s just bitter – he’s been hurt!”

  207. 7. The Wasp and the Church Member (Part 2); The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Even Tozer saw that the “church” most often gives new converts precisely something other than or something in addition to Christ and that the race the spiritual converts run is a short dash that fizzles out into the “dull religious routine” of faithful “church” attendance.

  208. 6. The Way of Christ Is Still Narrow; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard Tozer, writing around 1960, gives testimony here of a quick but dramatic transformation in the practice of following Christ.

  209. 8. We Must Be Still to Know; The “Church” Paradigm (a la Tozer) - Neil Girrard If the people who have read Tozer – and a lot of “pastors” and religious leaders have read his writings – would have simply heeded this message, the landscape of Christianity might be vastly different than it is now.

  210. What Did You Go Out To See? - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Those who have exited the “church” and entered into some form of the “wilderness” experience need to reconsider this question.

  211. What God Is Really Saying Now - Neil Girrard What are God’s priorities for His remnant today?

  212. What’s Wrong With “Church”? - Neil Girrard A broad question indeed - but a special focus on how to meet brings specific answers.

  213. What’s Wrong With the Gospel: Section 2: The Added Parts - Keith Green Last Days Ministries was famous for their little pamphlets and writing or quoting very hard hitting messages from the heart of God. The following is no exception. It is a must read for anyone who has experienced the rituals of modern “church” but haven't been able to pinpoint just exactly what was wrong with the whole picture.

  214. Where Do You Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This seemingly innocent question covers a whole lot of territory.

  215. Where Should I Go To Church? - Neil Girrard This important - but ignorant - question deserves to be answered.

  216. Who Is Being Served? Bible Bullet: Mark 10:45 - Neil Girrard In far too many “ministries” today, the wrong people are being served.

  217. The Whole Counsel of God Bible Bullet: Acts 20:27 - Neil Girrard The “church” promises “the whole counsel of God” but this is a promise it cannot deliver.

  218. Whose House Is It? Bible Bullet: Acts 7:48-50, 17:24 - Neil Girrard The Most High God does not live in temples made by human hands. So who really owns all those “church” buildings that are commonly and routinely called “the house of God”?

  219. Why “Church”? - Neil Girrard Only a few are able to spiritually grasp the truth that the “church” is Satan’s ace card in his war against God’s plan to have a family, let alone ponder why he chose this particular strategy.

  220. Why Now? - Neil Girrard Why is God revealing the differences between “church” and ekklesia now?

  221. Why We Gather - Neil Girrard Why we first went to “church” is as important a question to answer as is why we left it.

  222. Wolves: How to Spot a False Shepherd - Neil Girrard Wolves and hirelings are much more prevalent than most imagine - just visit the local “church” or turn on your TV!

  223. 6. The Work and the Churches; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee The work and the churches are quite distinct in Scripture, and we must avoid confusing them, otherwise we shall make serious mistakes and the outworking of God’s purposes will be hindered.

  224. The Work of the Wilderness - Neil Girrard If God is leading us, why are we still in the wilderness?

  225. The Worst Enemy - Neil Girrard Why the institutional “church” is the worst enemy of the body of Christ.

  226. WWJD?: What Would Jesus Do? - Neil Girrard “What Would Jesus Do?” is big business. But is it Christ? A look at the local media's surprisingly discerning treatment of current “church” trends.

  227. Your God Is Too Small: A Review - Neil Girrard J.B. Phillips’ book, Your God Is Too Small, is an excellent, well thought-out description of the various false gods and pseudo-“Gods” worshiped (or at least nominally followed) at most “churches” and a rational perspective of Christ and God that will well serve any genuine follower of Christ in these days of apostasy and rampant deception.
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