They Say

Neil Girrard
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They say I should make tents
But I live in a land where no one buys homemade tents anymore.

They say I should take a job
- Give up my soul, condemn my children to this brave new world system -
Just so they can have more toys, gadgets and comforts
As they settle into this brave new world system’s grave.

They say I could start a “church,” I could live off that “gospel.”
But I preach the truth
And the pilgrims who buy the truth are few and far between.

They say I should sell my house
- And would to God that I could -
But there is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, no place to run.

They say that God is dead
Or at least unknown and unknowable
But in the stillness of my spirit and soul
I hear a still, small voice say,
“Professing to be wise they have become as fools.”

They say...
They say...
I don’t want to hear what they say.
I demand to hear what He says.
I demand to be subject, servant, sheep and son
Of the living Most High God.
Him I will serve.
I will follow no other.
So help me God.

I demand to be subject, servant, sheep and son
Of the living Most High God.
Him I will serve.
I will follow no other.
So help me God.

Him I will serve.
I will follow no other.
So help me God.

So help me God.

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