6.3 The True Location of God


Chapter 6: Counterfeits of the Divine

from War On the Saints
by Jesse Penn-Lewis

Scriptures Referenced in This Section:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Jn. 14:20 π Eph. 1:20-23 π Eph. 2:6 π Phlp. 1:19 π Heb. 1:3 π Heb. 2:9 π Heb. 4:14-16 π Heb. 9:24

The Word of God is very clear on this point, and we need only ponder such passages as Heb. 1:3 ; 2:9 ; 4:14-16 ; 9:24 ; and many others, to see it. The God we worship, the Christ we love, is in heaven; and it is as we approach Him there, and by faith apprehend our union with Him in spirit there, we, too, are raised with Him and seated with Him, above the plane of the lower heavens where the powers of darkness reign, and seated with Him, see them under His feet. ( Eph. 1:20-23 ; 2:6; top )

The Lord's words recorded in the gospel of John, chapters 14, 15 and 16, give the truth very clearly concerning His indwelling in the believer. The "in Me" of being with Him, and in Him, in His heavenly position ( Jn. 14:20 ), being the fact for the believer's faith, and apprehension; and the "I in you" - spoken to the company of disciples, and hence to the Body of Christ as a whole - following as a result in the individual life of the believer. The union with the Person in the glory, resulting in the inflow and outflow of His Spirit and life, through the believer on earth. (see Phlp. 1:19; top ) In other words, the "subjective" is the result of the "objective." The "object" of Christ in heaven, being the basis of faith for the subjective inflow of His life and power, by the Holy Spirit of God.

[6.2] The Ultimate Result of Mistaken Location of God
[6.4] Christ as a Person in Heaven
6: Counterfeits of the Divine - Table of Contents
Table of Contents π Topical Index

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