60. Perfection

The End Time Men
W.W. Fischer
Scriptures Referenced in This Chapter:
          (Follow the Scripture links if you want to study the Scriptures for yourself.)
Mt. 5:48 π Mt. 6:8 π Mt. 19:21 π Jn. 16:22 π Jn. 17:22 π Jn. 17:23 π Rom. 8:29 π Eph. 4:13; 2nd π Col. 1:28 π Col. 4:12 π Heb. 2:10 π Heb. 6:1 π Heb. 10:4 π Heb. 12:23 π 1 Pet. 5:10

The comment often heard in Christian conversations – “Well, nobody’s perfect” - this comment usually exposes the shallowness of the speaker’s dedication to Almighty God. This shallowness reveals our lack of understanding concerning God’s desires for His children, which is perfection. “You therefore shall be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” ( Mt. 5:48 ) Other verses confirm the same thought, namely: Jn. 17:23 , Heb. 10:4 , Mt. 19:21 , Eph. 4:13 , Heb. 6:1 , 1 Pet. 5:10 , Col. 1:28 , Heb. 2:10 , Col. 4:12 , Heb. 12:23; top .

God’s desire for this planet will never be accomplished as long as we are satisfied to live just a sincere Christian life. We are called to live a life in perfect relationship to the Lord Himself.

If we have come only to the place in our walk with Jesus where we are involved with getting things, we have missed the heart of God’s calling for our lives. If we are promoting that God is out to make us Charismatic crusaders so we can show what God’s power can accomplish, we’ve missed it; God’s desire is to make us one with Himself, “that they may be one as We are one.” ( Jn. 17:22; top )

It deeply burdens the Spirit of God to see earnest, sincere Christians walking away from surrendering to God’s perfection for them by seeking human promotions, programs and ministries in their eagerness to serve God.

If we are seeking great blessings and things from God for ourselves, we’ve missed it. God’s desire for us is that we have a deep, close, intimate relationship with Him, and not the receiving of gifts and things. He wants us to really get to know Him. We are not to be out to promote what I myself can accomplish as a Christian; any emphasis on ourselves or myself will neutralize my usefulness to God. God is out to get us ready so He can use us, not us use Him.

The Lord Jesus is not particularly concerned just at this juncture of our walk in making us joyful, happy and blessed. He knows if we will surrender to His perfection, this relationship will produce “a joy that no man takes from you.” ( Jn. 16:22; top )

God is always concerned about us going toward a greater perfection, “till we all come...to a perfect man...to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” ( Eph. 4:13 ) When we really start walking toward perfection in Jesus, we will stop asking for blessings and things. Then the verse, “Your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask Him.” ( Mt. 6:8; top ), becomes a reality - but we are to ask anyway, because it is by coming to Him we learn to know Him. Then we’ll likely ask quite differently.

Rom. 8:29 : “For whom He did foreknow He did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son.” (top)

59. Conditions of a Move of God π 61. Overeating
The End Time Men

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