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- Call for Repentance and Reformation - Steve Camp An uncompromising challenge to the contemporary Christian music industry. May God grant all who read these ears to hear what God is saying to His body.
- The Call for Unity - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) The call for unity that is sounding forth from so many among professed followers of Christ today is genuine – but it is dangerous.
- Call No Man Father; Twisted Scriptures - Neil Girrard Christ’s clear command is not enough for the “spiritual fathering” movement.
- The Call to Decisive Action of the Will; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The one who desires the potential fact that our old man was crucified with Christ to be true in his own life is called upon to declare his attitude of choice with decisive action.
- Calling of God; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer There are so many people claiming a special ministry and calling of God for themselves, and some of these are valid callings.
- Can Evil Spirits Be Transmitted; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis There is no danger of the evil spirit when cast out, entering into, or being transmitted to the one who has dealt with them, unless there is ground for their doing so, or consent is obtained for their entry by trick of the enemy.
- Can “Honest Souls” Be Deceived?; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis One prevailing idea is that “honest seekers after God” will not be allowed to be deceived. This is one of Satan’s lies.
- Candles, Flashlights, Lasers and the Sun - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) God intends to have a variety, even an arsenal of people-types at His disposal and for His usage.
- Captives Set Free; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard Sergius Paulus, Nicodemus and Saul of Tarsus were each set free from the schemes of the lords of the darkness of this age.
- Carnal Followers and Lawless “Theologians” - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If we are to come out of lawless churchianity, we must first recognize the hidden sin of the leaders and spiritual fathers who contributed to the making of it.
- The Casting Out of Evil Spirits; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Prayer against evil spirits in others may have to be accompanied by the inaudible commanding of them to leave the person, or else in casting out the demon, or demons, directly and audibly.
- Casting Out the Spirit of Human Potential; A Warning to Leadership: Let Christ be Preeminent in His Church - Anonymous This simple pamphlet written anonymously some time ago contains a powerful word of the Lord for those who would truly be His people, His body.
- Catch 22: The American “Church’s” Dilemmas - Neil Girrard A penetrating look at the numerous self-imposed dilemmas which keep the “church” from being the body of Christ.
- Causes of Depression Apart From the Physical Condition; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Apart from purely physical conditions, the victim of depression and melancholia has admitted thoughts suggested by the deceiving spirits, until the mind is unable to shake them off, or else the enemy has obtained such a footing, that he holds the mental faculties in a grip of passivity, so that they cannot act.
- Causes of Passivity of Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Passivity of spirit generally follows the Baptism of the Spirit, by the will and the mind becoming passive through lack of use; and the believer then wonders why he has lost the buoyant light and liberty of his joyous experience.
- Changes – It’s Better Together; Lifestyle of Light - Jim Nesbitt/Bob Hughey Ex Church of Christ people whose lives were changed when Bob stopped playing “church” and started living by the Spirit of God.
- Characteristics of Acute “Possession” of Mind and Body; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis When the possession is very pronounced, these intruders entirely dominate the outer man, using, or interfering with the vocal organs, the tongue, jaws, eyes, ears, smell, taste, muscles, the hands and feet, sometimes with uncontrollable and unconscious movements.
- Characteristics of Evil Spirits; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The characteristics of the wicked spirits, and how they are able to dwell in the bodies and minds of human beings, will be seen by a careful examination of the specific cases mentioned in the Gospels.
- Chastised Sons; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer The Charismatic movement has reminded us Christians of the many wonderful proclamations of the Lord - however, just because the Scriptures imply we are these things doesn’t automatically make us what these proclamations say.
- Childhood Knowledge; Opening Spiritual Eyes - David L. Williams The unfortunate thing about being a child filling the “information boxes” in our mind is that much of it is in error, formed by emotions.
- 6. The Children of God; The Sons of the Devil - Neil Girrard We have become so jaded in our reading of the Scriptures that we miss the obvious things it says.
- 4. The Children of the Devil; The Sons of the Devil - Neil Girrard If we are to claim our heritage as the sons of God - and truly live that and not just make false claims - we must be led by the Spirit of God.
- Choose Wisely; Lords of Darkness - Neil Girrard Some people mistakenly think of themselves as not really being worldly even though their lifestyles and practices are exactly the same as the world. This is effective deception!
- Christ Always Dealing With The Invisible Enemies; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Christ’s one work in this world was manifestly to conquer the Satanic prince of the world by the death of the Cross; to deliver his captives from his control, and to deal with the invisible hosts of the prince of darkness working at the back of mankind.
- Christ As a Person in Heaven; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Christ Himself, as a Person, abides in heaven, and it is only as we abide in Him there, that His Spirit, and His life, through His Word, can be manifested in us here.
- Christ In - Set Man Out! - Darryl Samuels & Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Is the “set man” principle still applicable to New Covenant believers today? This article may challenge some of our sincerest beliefs.
- 2. The Christian and Psychic Force; The Latent Power of the Soul - Watchman Nee Unless we know the danger of latent psychic power to a Christian we will not know how to guard against it.
- Christian Idolaters Bible Bullet: 2 Corinthians 6:16-17 - Neil Girrard Idolatry practiced by people claiming to be followers or Christ places a grave responsibility on those who are genuine followers of Christ.
- 4. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 1; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard What would a unified ekklesia look like?
- 5. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 2; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard We now return to the floor-tilting quotes we laid on the table in the previous section.
- 6. The Christian Life in a United Church - Part 3; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Morrison unleashes, to the best of his ability (and for his time and season – 1951!), his imagination toward what a unified ekklesia would look and be like.
- The Christian’s Greatest Enemy; Rut, Rot or Revival - A.W. Tozer A challenging look at the need for every believer to be mindful of his own walk with the Lord.
- Church; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer What is the paramount thing a church group should be accomplishing in their fellowship?
- Church Home - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Modern Christianity tells us we need a “church home.” What is a “church home”? Do we really need one?
- The Church In The Middle Ages; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The middle ages were a period of darkness for the saints because they were almost entirely under the power of evil spirits.
- The Church in the Twentieth Century Must Recognize the Powers of Darkness; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The servants of God have been concerned only to destroy their works, that is, to deal with sin – as a result, men and women, young and old, and even Christian and non-Christian, become deceived and possessed through the demonic’s guile, and because of believers’ ignorance about them, and their wiles.
- The Church of the Twentieth Century; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The low spiritual condition of the saints accounts for the rampant ignorance about the demonic.
- 4. The Churches Founded by the Apostles; The Normal Christian Church Life - Watchman Nee The word most often translated “church” (at least, in the original Greek) means “the called out ones” and refers to any assembly of called-out saints, whether local or eternal.
- Clairvoyance and Clairaudience and Their Cause; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Clairvoyance and clairaudience powers are called “natural gifts,” but they are really the result of an evil state, in which evil spirits are able to manifest their power and presence.
- The Class of Believers Who Are Open to Passivity; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Those who are really “surrendered,” give themselves up to implicitly obey, and carry out at all costs, what is revealed to them supernaturally as from God, and not what they themselves plan and reason out to be the will of God.
- A Clever Scheme - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Getting us to go to “church” is perhaps the most clever way the devil has yet concocted to keep us from assembling together.
- The Coasting Zone - Neil Girrard When the subject comes up, we’re quick to protest that we have not yet arrived – but is that quick rejection really just a cover for complacency in our hearts?
- The Coin of the Realm - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Many think they know what God’s “economy” is all about – but it’s not really what most people presume.
- Come! - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) If ever we needed to see in a text who is speaking, who is being spoken to and what is being said, this portion of the Revelation would stand as one of the more paramount passages for our day.
- Come Out - Neil Girrard God stills calls us to come out from among those who falsely call upon His name.
- Come Out; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer The call to come out was heard by this author in the mid-1980s – and written down for our edification!
- Come Out From Among Them - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Why, at the end of His explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, did Jesus say, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”?
- Come To Me - Neil Girrard God doesn't ask strangers to obey Him, He expects His own people to do that.
- Commentary on James - Neil Girrard Updated through Jas. 1:8
- Common Usage - Neil Girrard Sometimes it benefits us to read a familiar passage in the Greek because we, without ever realizing it, have often experienced a subtle shift in meaning simply because the New Testament we read is in English.
- Compel Them to Come - Neil Girrard If we want to draw people into the house of our Father, we must have - and be - something different to compel them to want to return.
- Completing the Revolution - Neil Girrard Andrew Strom’s statement of his withdrawal from the “Out-of-Church” movement (what George Barna calls “The Revolution”) advocates for yet another form of deception. Beware!
- Compulsory “Confessions” of Sin; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Evil spirits may push the man to “confessions” of all kinds, however public and painful, which he hopes may result in regaining the “experience” apparently lost; but all in vain.
- Conclusion; Poverty in the Body of Christ - Neil Girrard There is no single, one-word, bottom-line answer to the issue of poverty in the Body of Christ but, in closing the discussion, there are several words that should be considered.
- 10. Conclusions; The Unfinished Reformation - An Analysis - Neil Girrard Clayton Morrison’s book is probably best read for the conversation it leads into.
- Conditions for a Move of God; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer Our present attitude in most Christian circles today is, “Because I am a new creature, and because I am the righteousness of God, then the power of God must operate through me.” However, we have failed to see our personal sins as Christians, and our hardness of heart refuses to admit our sins.
- Conferring with Flesh and Blood; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer The few totally “dead to the flesh” Christians with Godly wisdom have too often been bypassed by religious authorities who decided to consult with Christian sources that appealed to the flesh and blood’s lust for recognition and worldly acclaim and human wisdom. God be merciful.
- Confirmation, Not Revelation Bible Bullet: 1 John 2:27 - Neil Girrard In spite of what many “pastors” and “theologians” and Bible “scholars” tell you, you do not constantly need anyone to constantly teach you.
- Conflict and Attack; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Victory over Satan in these aspects will not be without great onslaughts from him and sharp conflict, which may well be called “the evil day.”
- 2. The Consciousness of the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee We will continue further than the previous chapter so that we may understand what the consciousness of the body of Christ exactly is.
- Contrasts - Neil Girrard Goodness is often contrasted with spirituality but in reality they are far more deeply intertwined than this simple contrast would suggest.
- Control - Neil Girrard John Taylor Gatto describes the educational system as “deliberately designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens – all in order to render the populace ‘manageable.’” What does this mean for the follower in Christ?
- Conversion of a Pastor; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer An elderly lady’s (the live-in house lady of a home for unwed mothers, many of whom had come from the promiscuousness of the Pastor’s flock) prayers start operating rather profoundly, as the Pastor has not just an ordinary dream, but a revelation of the God of the universe.
- Co-Operation With God Does Not Mean Automatic Working; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Paul’s “I labour” did not mean that hands and feet and mind worked automatically in response to a Divine energizing, as the engine works in response to the steam, but rather “as I labour, God's power and energy energizes me in the acting.”
- The Corinthian Error; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer These Corinthian Charismatics wanted the riches, blessings and places of honor – Paul’s life was an embarrassment to them.
- Counselor; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer When will we learn one of the greatest of all lessons: that of not presenting our own ideas that interfere with God’s will for someone?
- Count the Cost; Opening Spiritual Eyes - David L. Williams Are you after earthly blessing in the here and now, or are you after the Heavenly reward? It is highly unlikely you can have both.
- Counterfeit Dreams; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Dreams, as well as visions, can be classed, as to their source, under three heads - Divine, human, or Satanic, each to be known, first by the condition of the person, and second by the principles distinguishing the working of God or Satan.
- Counterfeit Guidance; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Counterfeit guidance is one of the fruits of the possession of the body which the deceiver obtains through guile.
- Counterfeit “Inward” Drawings; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis After the Baptism of the Spirit, after a time the believer ceases to watch for the pure inward moving of the Spirit - often through ignorance of how to read the monitions of his spirit - and begins to wait for some other incentive or manifestation to guide him in action.
- Counterfeit Manifestations of Divine Workings in the Body; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Counterfeit manifestations of the Divine life in various ways now follow quickly.
- The Counterfeit of the Human Spirit; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis If the believer is ignorant of the tactics of the enemy in this way, he lets go the true spirit-action - or allows it to sink into disuse - and follows the counterfeit spiritual feelings, thinking he is walking after the spirit all the time.
- The Counterfeit of the Man Himself; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis In counterfeiting the believer himself, the evil spirit gives him exaggerated views, almost visions, of his own personality.
- The Counterfeit of the Presence of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis From the counterfeit presence, comes the influence which causes the counterfeit to be accepted.
- The Counterfeit Personation of Others; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis There are also counterfeits of the “human” and human things; such as the personation of others, and even of the believer himself.
- The Counterfeit Presence Is an Influence Upon the Believer; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The true presence of God is not felt by the physical senses, but in the spirit, and the same is true of “feeling” the presence of evil spirits, or Satan.
- The Counterfeit “Presence” Is Sensuous; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Counterfeits of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, are recognizable by the manifestations being given to the senses.
- Counterfeit Presence of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis At some moment when the believer is yearning for the sense of God’s presence, either alone, or in a meeting, and certain conditions are fulfilled, the subtle foe approaches, and wrapping the senses round with a soothing, lulling feeling.
- Counterfeit Self-Condemnation; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The believer is so acutely conscious of a “self” which he hates and loathes, that he is never free from the dark shadow of self-condemnation, self-accusation or self-despair, which no appropriation of identification with Christ in death, destroys.
- Counterfeit Sin; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Evil spirits can also counterfeit sin, by causing some apparent manifestation of the evil nature in the life, and matured believers should know whether such a manifestation really is sin from the old nature, or a manifestation from evil spirits.
- Counterfeit Visions; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis When evil spirits are able to give visions, it is an evidence that they have already gained ground in the man, be he a Christian or an unbeliever.
- The Counterfeit Voice of God; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Evil spirits are able to counterfeit the voice of God.
- Counterfeits of Satan Himself; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis There are occasions when Satan appears to fight against himself, only to cover deep schemes for obtaining fuller possession of a victim, or some greater advantage which he knows how to secure.
- 6. Counterfeits of the Divine; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis The first great effort of evil spirits is directed toward getting the man to accept their suggestions, and workings, as the speaking, working, or leading of God.
- Counting Heads - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) One of the most obvious features of any particular “church” can be used to easily and immediately assess its character and quality and this requires no spiritual discernment whatsoever – so why isn’t this method used more often?
- Covering; The End Time Men - W.W. Fischer We would as Christians rather learn from other Christians than to search the Scripture for truth for ourselves.
- 7. The Covering, Restraint, and Supply of the Body of Christ; The Body of Christ: A Reality - Watchman Nee In this chapter we shall look into a few more matters related to the body of Christ.
- Critical Blockage - Neil Girrard - ( in Adobe/pdf format ) Paul told us what the manifold grace (mercy and power) of God would do – why don’t we see it in our corporate assemblies?
- The Culmination of the Flood Tide of Deceiving Spirits Shown in 2 Ths. 2; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis Deception results in Satanic world-wide control.
- Culture - Neil Girrard What is “culture” and what does it have to do with our life in Christ? Much more than most people think.
- The Curse of God Pronounced upon the Deceiver; War On the Saints - Jesse Penn-Lewis That a highly organized monarchy of evil spirit-beings was in existence, is not made known in the story of the garden. Only a “serpent” is there.
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